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Luke stared at the mossy grave before him. Tears stung at his eyes but they didn't fall over, he'd already cried so much he was sure there wasn't any left. He bent down, crouching down in front of the stone. It was drizzling today, as if the sky knew what today was. His sisters birthday. August 18th.

Luke stifled a sob. He thought he couldn't cry anymore but he was wrong. The thought of his little sister blowing out a candle on a birthday cake blew something in him. She'd be 14 today. Going in high school for the first time, growing up and learning how to be a woman. Luke breezed his fingers over the green moss, looking at her name engraved into the stone.

Elizabeth west.

Her nickname rested by the side with an dove.


Luke let out a shaky breath. Why? He asked himself this everyday he woke up and every night when he went to bed. That fateful day. . . had all been his fault. The reason his sister wasn't getting any presents in silly birthday gift wrappings today was because of him. Luke got on his knees, resting his head on the stone. It was cold and bitter. Just like how he felt inside.

"I'm so sorry. You should be here with me and mom. And-and we'd go to the arcade. The one you love. I-I mean loved. . ." He muttered. He clenched his fists by his side. Past tense. He could never get over using it for her, it stung his heart every time. Luke felt defeated, he couldn't even wish his beloved sister happy birthday.

"Happy... birthday. I love you." He whispered finally, sniffling and getting up slowly. He set a couple of white tulips on the ground in front of the grave. He couldn't afford a huge bouquet, so he had to settle for that even if his sister deserved all the white tulips in the world.

"Goodbye. I'll see you next year, sis."


Luke sat at the dining room table, staring in space. His eyebags felt numb and sore. He'd had stayed up all night. He hated this day. The first day of school. Luke was freshly 17, just last week. He was now officially a junior in high school and today was his first day. But it was so ironic that this his sister's birthday was last Saturday, and now school was on Monday. He wasn't prepared when he was still mourning his dead sister's birthday.

His mother set a plate of pancakes down in front of him, knocking him out of his thoughts. "Eat up." She whispered softly, a quiet melody that always helped put Luke back together. She kissed the side of his head and he nodded slowly, grabbing his fork and digging at the pancakes, although he didn't have an appetite. He'd gladly eat for his mother to feel happy.

He chewed on the first bite. His mother's pancakes were always the best even if they were store-bought. Lord knows they wouldn't be to afford making it from scratch. She put something special in them that made you want them for breakfast everyday.

He finished quickly and stood up. "I'll do the dishes." He firmly said. His mother turned and glared, her wrinkling's showing. "No. You will be on your way to school. It is your first day, shoo." She complained, grabbing the plate from him before he could protest. "Come on, ma. I don't want-"

"I will finish up! I love you but you need to be on your way." She cut him off, clattering the plates in the sink, daring him to complain. Luke sighed, deciding it was best not to go against her anymore.  "Okay... " He grabbed his bag hanging off the seat and gave his mom a short hug and left for the door. He stopped by the mirror that rested in the front hallway. He stared at his appearance and scowled.

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