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Mia stared at Ryn who was snacking on a protein bar, talking about how she and her scrawny Mexican boyfriend broke up this morning, when they just spent the night together the other day. "I thought you really liked him." Mia complained, resting her chin on her palm. Ryn rolled her eyes. "Me to." She shrugged, finishing up her bar and throwing the trash in her empty lunch box. Mia sighed, shaking her head. "You make no sense."

Mia couldn't understand how she could go from being in love and then hating him the next day, its one or the other. Or that's what Mia thought. They sat in the cafeteria together. Usually her, Ryn and Kayla ate outside, or in their cars but Kayla had to go do something today. So, Ryn and Mia just decided on the loud and chattering cafeteria. Mia was so tired today, she hated when school started back up. She missed summer, the hot sticky days going out partying and going to her dad's private yacht, she missed it. Now it was fall and she was sitting in the cold messing hall.

Mia stared at her own lunch, which was just a normal salad, it didn't look very appetizing. She didn't even know why she brings lunch. She never eats it anyway. Mia didn't feel like doing anything today, she barley even felt like talking about Ryn's confusing love life. Seriously, how can you go from fucking to hating each other the next day? It was unreal. Of course, Mia has had sex with somebody she knew she didn't love. But after, she never wanted to hate them. Even if they were hookups, she would like it if they stayed behind and just laid with her. But guys like that didn't exist. As soon as you let them in your pants, they dip like they're running a track marathon.

Mia looked back up at Ryn who was on her phone now. "I'm going to go find Kayla." Mia grumbles, waiting for Ryn to say something but she doesn't, instead, she twirls a curl around her finger, more interested in what's going on in her phone. Mia rolls her eyes, standing up and shoving her lunch in the trashcan.

She walks out of the cafeteria, thinking of places Kayla could be. Kayla didn't specify what she had to do, all she said was, 'don't wait for me.' But after the long discussion about Ryn and her weirdo boyfriend made her long for Kayla's sweet presence. Kayla never has had a love life discussion because well, Kayla never lets anyone in close enough romantically. She's had crushes before, but she never acts on them which is insane because Kayla is gorgeous and could bag any guy she wanted.

Mia walks through the halls, looking through the small windows of the classrooms.

Mia passed one door, a door decoded with paintings and people's names. Marker scattered everywhere on the door. The art room? She'll try there first, Kayla is a really unique girl, Kayla looks like a dumb blonde, and well. . . she is when it comes to common sense, but for arts and crafts, she was wisdom's daughter, Mia slowly opened the art door, peeking in carefully.

It was empty. She scanned the room again. She paused No. it wasn't. A blonde-haired boy was sitting at one of the tables, his lunch bento spread out on the table, but he made no effort to eat it as he stared out the large windows. He wore this jacket over the uniform, but the tie and collar still stuck out. He pushed his glasses up his face.

Mia stared at him more closely, clenching the door frame so she can get a better view without revealing herself... She couldn't remember his name, but it began with an L, she was sure of that. He was that guy that Jackson had up against the wall... and the guy she bumped into!

She didn't know why, but she felt a little irritated by him. He just had this rude presence. He always sat with a frown. His glare was evident even if he tried to hide it. He just always looked bitchy.

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