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"Do you think you can tutor me?"

That was the first thing he heard upon opening his locker and trying to go to first period, Thursday morning.

Not only that it's somebody random which would have just been fucking bizarre, as well. But panic seized Luke even more since it was... Mia Hayes, like the literal queen of this school. He hadn't even been paying attention to his surroundings. He just blinked and saw her out of the corner of his eye, he definitely did not think she was talking to him. He just kind of stared of her for a good couple second, then went back to what he was doing but then she stepped closer to him, making it known she's talking to him.

This is definitely not what he expected when he dragged himself out of bed this morning. He was so tired from studying all last night, maybe he was hallucinating her, either way, Luke was weirded out by her talking directly towards him.

Mia stood there, standing right in front of him, her head leaning against the locker next to him, with a happy smile on her face. Her eyes shinned with fake kindness like she was the type of girl who did charity work in her free time. Her hair was pulled back in a long ponytail, a black headband rested on it. She wore these small hoop earrings. She looked cheery. Too cheery.

"What?" He managed to huff out, closing his locker slowly and turning his full body toward her, looking down at her. Mia's eyes dragged over him, which made him feel a bit self-conscious because he knew he looked a little shitty this morning. He probably had eye-bags. Dark and big settled under his eyes which were dull and hard, the weird energy drinks didn't help at all last night. He barley combed his hair this morning. He was too delirious to even try.

Mia raised an eyebrow but answered with a smile anyway. "I said... can you be my tutor?"

Luke stared at her in disbelief. There was just so many things he couldn't process. Why would Mia need a tutor? Why the fuck is she asking him? He liked it better when she barley looked in his way, and now she was asking him to do the opposite. Tutor her.

"Me?" He asked, just to make sure for good measure, as he shoved his hands in to his pocket, nervously feeling around in it. All he felt was just his wallet and phone.

Mia stared at him; her lips tugged now in amused expression. "Duh!" She giggled. "Who else?"

Luke blushed in embarrassment. "Right." He nodded, Luke raised his hands out of his pockets and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes. "I... That's so random." He sighed, trying his best to be polite when all he really wanted to do was leave. But going to first period wasn't any better.

Mia considered this and shrugged. "I guess. But how else am I supposed to ask?" She tilted her head slowly. Luke crossed his arms over his chest, staring her down. "This doesn't make any sense. You are joking with me?" He asked, his voice taking an edge to it. Luke always had to make sure. He's had his fair share of people playing tricks with him.

Like in 7th grade when a girl named catty came up to him and told him she liked him, her cheeks flushed and seemed sincere. Luke had faltered since nobody has ever asked him out before and was reluctant to accept. Only to find out it was a bet the whole time just to see who can get him to date. Although, it hurt him, it didn't hurt because of catty, but because he was such a loser, people made them their entertainment. He bet Mia was doing that to, considering her social group.

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