Chapter Six: Marked

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Something shifted inside of me as I watched the elevator lights flicker and the doors open to Sub-Basement 4.

Something hardened inside of me and I curled my hands into fists.

A long hallway spread out in front of me, steel doors dotting either side of the solid stone walls.

There was a low light that gave just enough vision between the doors but no more, shadowing the roof in darkness.

I could feel the death and decay that lingered in the air. It didn't bring the usual sadness that would affect me, instead, I took a deep breath, filling my lungs and void with it. I felt anger and magic mix, setting like a stone in my heart.

Inhaling again, I focused on Adam's essence, letting it guide me down the hall, around a corner and finally to a steel door next to a room marked Office.

I could hear shouting and the sound of heavy impacts as I reached for the door handle.

A hand caught my wrist and I went to snap at whoever grabbed me, ready to yell at them for stopping me, only to recognise the wolf tattoo on the forearm and look up at Kaleb. He regarded me with soft eyes and pulled me away from the door, opening the Office and guiding me in there.

The room inside was small, just big enough for four people.

One side of the room was taken up by monitors and a computer set up, the other was just a window that looked into the next room, Valik and Heath stood with their arms crossed in the the opposite corners of the room.

Adam had his back turned to the window, he had his sleeves rolled up and was throwing punches at Darius, who was tied to the chair.

I looked at his wrists, seeing the burns and deep wounds that warped his skin.

"Is that,"

"Silver," Kaleb said firmly, looking at me. I could only meet his eye for a moment, seeing nothing but understanding when he looked back at the room.

Adam finally stepped back after a vicious volley of throws, his hands covered in blood and he panted softly.

Darius's head lulled to the side, his eyes were swollen shut, his jaw knotted, he craned his head and spat a bloody wad at Adam.

"I bet your little Witch would scream my name with great pleasure." Adam snarled and lashed out with a clawed backhand across Darius's cheek so hard I thought he'd broken his neck as Darius's head snapped to the side.

Darius laughed, crooking his neck and looking at Adam through mounds of swollen flesh.

"Bet she tastes as sweet as she smells." He hissed, licking his torn and bloody lips, canines sharp.

Adam nodded at Heath and Valik, they nodded back and left the room, surprised when they saw me as they entered the office.

They stood behind me and watched me with concerned expressions, Kaleb was the only one who regarded me with understanding.

He knew I needed to see it.

If I was to be a true Luna, I had to know what happened to those who crossed us.

A pang of hatred for Darius bloomed in my heart, joining the stone that had set there. I fed on it, watching as Adam circled the bound Wolf.

He stopped for a moment behind him and stared at the glass.

I realised he couldn't see us, but the way he stared at the mirror, I knew he could feel me behind it.

I saw his eyes soften and I grabbed the first Beta I could.

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