Chapter Seventeen: Calm

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Sorry it's been a while.
Still doing this series, but as Scatterbrain Jane ADHD whole ass adult, I'm still working how I want this series to play out.
One book? Multiple?
Do my characters need some more work and development?
Here's a short chapter cause I kept y'all waiting, will try to post a chapter a week with this series 🥰

The Seasons recovered after a few days of rest.
I sat before them in Adam's home office, flanked by Valik and Johnathan, while the women occupied the couches in front of the desk we had set up so they could sit together.
Since waking earlier that morning, Winter demanded to speak with the Witch who found her.
It had taken me a few hours to finally arrive, Valik and I had set wards around the city, then Adam needed me to finalise some things.
Winter studied my hands for a moment, rising from her seat and leaning over the desk where I had interlaced them together.
She raised a snowflake eyebrow. "I take it from the dirt, and scent of magic, you are the Witch." She looked at me through crystal lashes, her artic eyes assessing me.
I splayed out my hands over the desk, looking down at them. I had personally buried all the wards myself, not realising how caked in dirt I'd gotten in my haste to get back.
"I was setting wards." I said casually. "I am Miranda, Witch Queen of Imperius and Luna of Argis." The raised snowflake brow was joined by the other in surprise.
She straightened, folding her arms behind her back.
Each woman had summoned their own clothes, each were identical except for their colours.
Simple low cut summery style dresses, Winter's looked exactly like Helena's coat in the sunlight.
"We had heard of the new Queen." She said flatly. "I was unaware you were also a Luna." She looked at Valik and Johnathan, her mouth twisting slightly. "These are not your mates."
"No," I said plainly. "This is Valik and Johnathan, my personal guards, and the Wolves who helped save you. My mate is currently busy." I set her with an even stare.
Her lips twitched with the shadow of a smile. "I'm sure he is." She glanced around the room. "You keep odd company, Witch."
I shrugged. "When your kind are hunted to the brink of extinction, you learn to adapt. The Mother taught me that well."
She gave me a shocked look, seeing my face held no emotions about the matter.
"You dwell with the very kind who hunted yours-"
I rose from my seat, silencing her. "The kind I dwell with, are my kind. They have risked their lives for me, other Witches and even you. Do not disrespect my home or my people again, else this conversation ends here."
She stared at me incredulously, not expecting anyone to stand up the a Season, an Immortal being of time.
I looked across all their faces. "There is a war coming, Sisters." I set my voice, magic filling it. "You either need to pick a side, or go to Imperius where I can protect you."
Winter stumbled, taking a step back and narrowed her brows at me. "You offer us sanctuary? In the home realm of Witch?"
I nodded once. "My realm is the only one able to shield you. No one knew you were missing, meaning other magic is at play, magic I can't keep you hidden from in the mortal world."
She turned, putting her back to me.
I hope you're right about this. Valik mused, standing perfectly still and his expression bored.
Me too. I took a steadying breath, seeing the Seasons have their own mind-link between them.
I cleared my throat, they all set me with their eyes, something I found oddly comforting. "You're safe in Argis, there is a house set up for you to stay in until you've come to a decision."
Spring rose from her seat, her expression kind but unsure. "You truly offer us aid, Witch?"
I nodded again. "It is the least I can do. I was unaware you had been taken, a job I should have known how to do."
Autumn stood then, stepping forward and her eyes wide. "No, child." She said quickly. "That job is for the Priestess."
I met her eyes. "I am the Priestess."
She faltered, looking over me, even though I was powerful, I was, as she called me, a child.
"There are no others?" She asked softly, her voice strained.
"None of true Partos birth. I am the eldest that lives."
Winter turned fully back to me. "You're a child." She hissed at me. "How could you possibly think you're more powerful, more capable to protect us?"
I scowled. "Because you've become as cold as your own season, Winter." She flinched. "You idly sat by, watching the world turn. I may be a child in your eyes, Eternal, but I will be a child who fights for the rights and lives of those wrongfully taken. Like yours were!" I pointed to the doorway. "Like the two child Witches who remain of my Coven, who almost died to the same hands you did." I set my fists onto the table. "I may not be as powerful as Mother or the Ethereal, but I am still a Witch Queen and a Luna, I have suffer at the hands of humans, Clan and Kind. Doubt my age, but do not doubt me." I straightened, waving my hand at Valik and Johnathan.
They turned and went for the door.
"Where are you going?" Winter snapped as I followed them.
I gave her a look over my shoulder. "You clearly need time to discuss this and I have other matters to attend to." I stepped towards the door.
Her icy hand grabbed my wrist, panic tightening her hold. "Wait."
I paused. "I have patients and a small Witch who needs comfort right now, please," I looked at her. "Don't waste my time. I'm not immortal, I need to use it wisely."
Her brows narrowed in thought and she glanced over her shoulder, at her sister's.
She sighed, not looking at me. "We accept your sanctuary Witch, but we aren't strong enough to get to Imperius."
I touched her hand that still held my wrist, she looked at me with surprise. "I may be young, but I think I can handle a teleporting spell for you from here."
I gave her a wink, patting her hand. "I'll be ready by night fall."
She faltered but nodded. "Thank you."
I nodded back, her hand finally releasing me and I left the room, going to find Adam as my last nerve was just completely destroyed and now I was the small Witch who needed comfort.

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