Chapter Seven: Discoveries

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Adam left the room and returned within minutes with a pile of fresh clothes and another tray of food, this one consisting of a stack of bacon, breakfast sausages and a large glass of orange juice, demanded by Bev.

I happily ate the food, finding a sudden desire for meat and an unfillable appetite. Adam made me finish off the juice and left me to get dressed.

He'd brought me a few options, mostly suited for the chilly weather outside, but he'd also brought me a mustard yellow sundress.

I chose that one, finished off the last of the bacon and left to find Adam.

It wasn't hard, between the trail of his essence, his scent was intoxicating to me, making it easy to follow down the elevator to the Infirmary.

I stepped out and found myself heading for Bev's office at the end of the hall. I knocked briefly, entering when Bev called out.

She spun in her chair and smiled at me.

"Hey, sleeping beauty!" She waved me to come closer, I stepped towards her and looked around.

The office was like a doctor's office, with an L-shaped desk in the corner, filing cabinets near the door and a medical bed on the other side. She had a metal desk stacked with files and documents that split the room. Just past the bed was the hall that led to the Dark Wing. Adam's essence and his scent went in there.

Bev caught my staring and chuckled. "He'll be out in a minute." She pulled a small rolling stool from under her desk and offered it to me.

I hesitated but sat down, she started rifling through one of her draws and pulled out a blood draw kit. I flinched at the sight of it, remembering all the times the Groundskeepers had strapped me down and my blood taken against my will, too drugged up to fight back.

"Oh, shit, right," Bev muttered, pushing the kit aside. She gave me a look of apology. "I just wanted to check it, but you know if you need it." She waved and went to turn back to her computer. I caught the familiar black square in the corner of her screen and grabbed her wrist, making her stop.

"You can take my blood if you show me the Dark Wing feed." I met her eye, she gave me a slight smirk and pressed something on her keyboard, expanding the video feed of the room Adam and Orange-man, Joren, were in.

The room was pure concrete, with no windows and only a steel door in or out. Joren sat, naked, in the corner of the room, curled up in a ball and seeming to shake.

Bev busied herself wrapping the constricting band around my upper arm and pulling my arm flat, she pulled on gloves and quickly wiped the bend of my elbow with an alcohol swab. She pulled out three vials and I gave her a look that made her pull out three more sheepishly.

I returned to the computer. Adam crouched in front of Joren, saying something to him I couldn't hear. Whatever it was, Joren was shaking his head violently, his eyes wide and he was shouting something.

Adam moved so quickly, that I jumped as Bev was sticking me with the needle. She managed to stay on target and looked at me quickly, but my eyes were glued to the screen.

Adam now held Joren against the wall by his throat, I watched him raise Joren higher, bringing the man off the ground and his feet started to swing wildly, his hands trying to break Adam's hold.

I saw Adam's mouth open, I felt the pulse of Alpha essence that broke the still air.

Bev looked at the screen for a second, feeling it too then returned to drawing the last vials of blood.

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