Chapter Twelve: Queen

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We had been in Imperius for two days, staying in the Wolf castle outside of the collesuem.
Each tunnel under every throne led to areas designed for each Clan.
The Wolves had a wide stone building, sectioned into five main rooms of an eating hall, a sleeping Barrick's that held enough space for four hundred Wolves, but only housed 20 currently who mostly helped upkeep the grounds and lived freely, a kitchen, a bathhouse and a tower that stretched out the back of the enormous structure.
The whole building sat in an opening of soft, rich dirt that filtered out to thick forest surroundings.
We stayed in the upper tower of the building, a spiralling staircase that led to an open room with large windows and Adam's furnishings from the last few hundred years.
A canopy bed big enough for eight people.
A wall was filled with books he had collected over the years, a fireplace in the middle with a large plush leather sofa and a Wolf sigel rug.
There was modern plumbing installed into the near ancient brass tub and basin system.
There were fifteen male Wolves, all true Betas who took shifts between staying in the Barrick's housings to deal with supply orders and maintenance or hunting and patrolling. Some chose to stay in Wolf form, using mind-link to communicate when needed.
The She-Wolves all took human forms and dressed like they hadn't updated their wardrobes in a few hundred years, they were all Gammas, who mostly worked in the castle cooking, healing and cleaning, or would join the Betas gathering herbs and vegetables from the forests natural supply.
It was peaceful here.
Hearing the sounds of nature everywhere and smelling the clean air, made it easier to dream soundly.
I woke up our third day of being here, rolling over in Adam's arms.
I pulled myself over him slightly and he hummed while I kissed his neck.
His hands tangled in my hair and grazed softly against my back until he caged me and brought me down for a passionate kiss.
A knock at the large door made us pull apart breathless, pulling the sheets up to cover myself, Adam told the interrupter to come in.
It was Viviana, one of the house She-Wolves. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun and she wore a white puffy dress with a blue apron over top.
She carried a large tray of food and morning coffee, stepping into the room and making me frown at her.
"Viv, I said we'd join you all in hall for breakfast." I watched as she dutifully placed it on a large desk near the bed and smiled shyly at me.
"Beta Ulric said I best just served in the chambers, as usual, Luna Miranda." She justified softly, hers hands clasped in front of her and her eyes burning into the floor.
I rolled my eyes.
Ulric was a nice man, if you could get past the fact he was a seven foot giant of a Warrior. I had yet to see the man smile or relax since we arrived, from what I could tell he was the 'Alpha' of the Betas when Adam wasn't around. He was traditional in his ways, which I respected and appreciated he wanted to keep the old ways alive, but some allowances should be made.
Especially when the Queen Luna requests it.
I sighed and pulled myself from the sheets, Viviana coming to help me dress.
My top lip twitched in discomfort as she did, but the clothing Adam had packed for daily wear, were royal garbe.
Corseted dresses with either full sleeves or off-the-shoulder, in colours of red, silver and black.
I'd picked the simplest dress I could, a black long-sleeved corset dress with a flowing skirt and it was the least layered.
I had been thankful they didn't force me into shoes, being able to hide them with the dress length.
I wore the jewelry Lani had given me instead, feeling a touch of sadness at the thought of being so far away from the home Pack.
When Viviana had helped me dress and put half of my hair into a bun, I asked Adam for his phone to call home.
He raised his eyebrows at me as he pulled it from his pants pocket.
He looked like something out of a fantasy novel, with a black tunic, thick pants and a black fur cloak hung across his shoulder.
He hilted a sword, making something stir inside of me as I slowly pushed the numbers for Bev's office.
I spoke with Pam while we descended the steps, Viv having gone back for the tray of food I had ignored and Adam had smiled at me as he led me down the stairs.
We walked into the hall to see the home Betas already at one of the tables, I sent my love to Pam and hung up as I joined them, bumping Bev playfully as she was in similar attire to me.
Her dress was much simpler and only one layered, it was quite beautiful honestly, but she sat with her arms folded and biting into bread like it insulted her.
Jonathan and Valik wore simple tunics and pants, leather bracers wrapped their wrists. Valik was drinking from a goblet while his brother drank for a small cup.
I reached over and grabbed the goblet while he was distracted talking to Adam, curious about the dark red liquid inside, I sniffed it.
Smelling berries and honey alcohol.
I put it back in front of Valik.
"Is there a reason you're drinking before noon?" I asked, Adam chuckled and pulled me onto his lap, feeding me a grape.
Valik smiled at me, raising his cup.
"Today's the Banquet for you fancy-folk," he chuckled. "Since it means I'll have to deal with Bartholomew and Duncan getting wasted, I thought I'd beat them to it." He downed his drink and quickly filled it from a large jug beside him.
I looked at him, unsure who he was talking about.
"Bart is a Kioren Guard and Dunc is Drakkon, they're the Betas for their Clan basically." Johnathan explained, biting around a large turkey leg.
I nodded, still not sure who they were but I was sure I could trust Valik not to anger other Clans.
The Imperius Wolves finally started to join us, only after I'd half-begged Viviana to join me and it caused some of the other She-Wolves to join us out of curiosity.
Uric sat away from us on the same table, occasionally throwing me unsure glances as I chatted happily with the women about living in Mother's wilderness and the food they were preparing for the banquet.
Whenever the Royals were together in a time of peace, they held an enormous feast, bringing together all the Clans who would have customary dishes and acts put on like a shoe to the others.
I wasn't sure what to expect, only that I was not to be sitting with Adam for some reason.
Bev had assured me everything was fine, but there was important matters that needed to be addressed, and that meant Adam would stand alone at his throne tonight.
The thought had infuriated me, an odd swell of protectiveness and anger made me bite my tongue to stop from yelling at Bev.
I decided to go for a walk through the farming grounds, Bev and Viviana trailing me like a shadow.
We passed a strawberry crop and I finally sighed, turning to the two women.
Viviana hid behind Bev instinctively, seeing my trouble-causing expression, as she called it.
"What is the important business?" I looked at Bev, she knew it wasn't a Luna asking her Beta guard, it was a friend asking for reassurance.
She sighed and turned to Viviana.
"You're dismissed. Please have mine and Luna Miranda's dresses ready for this evening, other than that, you have the afternoon free."
Viviana almost protested, but hearing she was excused after simple duty made her nod excitedly, bow at Bev and I and jogged back to the castle.
Bev looped her arm with mine and lazily took me for a stroll around the forest edge.
"You are aware Witches have become a rare sighting in the last twenty years, yes?" She asked finally.
"Yes," I answered slowly, my eyes retreating to watch the comfort of the trees as I heard her voice go heavy.
"No Witches answered the call of the Royals." She watched me for a moment before continuing. "Every Clan sent Warriors to investigate, but they all found the same thing we did in Partos." She didn't say what they found, but I knew.
"Every Witch slaughtered and their Coven ransacked and burnt to the ground." I said through gritted teeth, horrifying flashbacks threatening to turn into Visions from their potency.
"Miranda." Bev snapped, grabbing my arms and shaking me.
It worked to pull me out of the horrors, long enough to break the Vision connection before it formed.
I breathed heavily as I stared into Bev's eyes, she guided me through controlled breaths until I was calm and my heartbeat slowed.
"What does that have to do with Adam?" I finally asked, she pulled me to sit under an enormous oak tree, the shade of it was cool but the tree and ground were sun warmed.
"It means, they're considering asking you to take the title." She said, picking at a patch of grass.
"There's other Witches out there!" I snapped suddenly, looking at Bev with a wild rage I wasn't sure I could control.
"They're children Miranda!" Bev stared at me, her eyes wide. "You are the oldest pure Witch alive. Those girls have no idea what they even are, you think they would do a better job than you?"
I bit my lip, fighting anger and tears.
She was right.
I had the solace of being born into a Coven and some true knowledge instilled into me about who I was before I was imprisoned.
Those girls had been prisoners for who knew how long, with no knowledge of their own kind or who they were.
Their Celebration days would be terrifying and confusing, suddenly another voice telling you of a world you have no understanding of.
"Fine. What happens if I said yes?" I looked at Bev, she gave me a contemplating look but finally sighed.
"That's the problem, you're true-mated to the King-Alpha."
"Some of the Clans are worried about having a Witch Queen who is already on the side of another Clan."
"That's ridiculous." I threw my arms up, frustrated. "I love Adam, but I don't t let our fating be the reason I agree to anything. I can think for my damn self." I pushed myself to my feet, overwhelmed with anger again. "I...I just need to be alone right now." I turned away from Bev and headed for the collesuem tunnel.
I had been thankful the Wolves stashed bags of simple clothes everywhere, incase they destroyed their last ones Shifting.
I managed to find a pair of shorts and a tight fitting tank top, I changed out of them using magic to undo my corset and jogged through the tunnel, squinting at the sun as I excited onto the soft sand.
There was training equipment and a rack of weaponry spread out in even gaps around the circle.
I jogged around for a bit, enjoying the feeling as my anger turned to energy.
My eye continued to catch the tunnel one down from the Wolves that led to the Witches domain, Mother's code scribbled across the opening.
I pushed myself faster, kicking up trails of sand as I ran.
I considered teleporting back to Partos, calling Pam or even Tahlia to come get me, but I knew that was childish. I belonged here, not just because this is where Adam was, but because....I felt like I needed to be here.
I'd found myself slowing down to a full stop in front of the Witches tunnel, biting the inside my of cheek nervously.
The soft breeze that blew through it smelt like jasmine and honeysuckle.
Come child, find me. A voice whispered on the wind, calling to me and my feet moved of their own accord down into the dark tunnel, feeling the sand turn into soft dirt.
The sun beamed gently through the tunnel on the other side, the sound of a waterfall rushing and birds singing filled the air.
I stepped out onto a cliff.
White rocky mountains with a waterfall circled a crystal clear lake and a large island in the middle. A wooden mansion sat in the middle of the open grass, white horses prancing through the trees that speckled the island.
There was a wide stone bridge that connected the tunnels cliff to the island.
I crossed it carefully, though wide, it had no bannisters either side and the lake was black at the bottom, with creatures I couldn't identify swimming beneath the surface.
I made it to the island and continued to the wooden building that expanded in front of me, reaching the brass door handle, I took a shakey break and turned it.
The door swing open easily, revealing a stone floor with carpets and sconces lighting the room with a warm glow.
The ceiling was high with a chandelier hanging between two wrapped staircases that sat on the other side of the lobby, a glass door underneath.
I was compelled to go to the glass door, open it and stepped inside quickly to find a library room, every wall was filled from floor to ceiling with books.
A large fireplace sat on the opposing wall to the door, an open seating area of thick lounges and rugs littered the room with tables and reading lamps accompanying them.
Cobwebs and dusty were the only things that seem to live here, despite the roaring fire and lit torches around the place.
Soul-Miranda echoed to look at the books and I willingly obeyed, wiping off layers of dust from books names, only to find many of them had none.
I pulled out a large blue leather book and flicked it open, coughing at the cloud I made.
Elegant handwriting filled the pages, sketches of plants, animals and more documented in ways of Witchery. Potions, spells and incantations followed, before a final page that made my heart pound in excitement and fear.
Book of Shadows - Witch.
I almost dropped the ancient relic. I feel into a cross-legged sitting position on the ground and started from the beginning.

I don't know how long I'd been reading, I read Witch's Book of Shadows twice, absorbing every word on the first read and every image on the second.
I moved onto some other books I found nearby, other Witches Book's.
I was halfway through the second fist-thick book when I heard something echoing off the stone falls behind the glass doors.
I got to my feet, carefully placing Witch Adelines Book on the table next to me, as the glass door opened and a large stallion trotted in.
I almost screamed at the sight of the midnight beast, but the iridescent spear that stuck from it forehead made me silent.
He stepped towards me with mighty hooves and bowed his head, extending a muscled leg towards me to allowed for the action.
My Queen, you found me. A strong deep voice echoed in my head, ringing with the elegance of the Unicorn in front of me.
"Queen?" I whispered, the Unicorn stood and watched me with dark brown eyes.
I see your essence, you are the White Witch Queen.
I felt my breath hitch at his words.
"Who are you, Unicorn Lord?" I asked, feeling my voice have more power than I felt.
He bowed again.
I am Shadowwalker. I am the true Queens mount and guardian.
Before I could ask anything, he pressed his horn delicately to my forehead, something sparked between us and I fell to the floor, overcome with my void shattering apart as my body shook violently from the headache and tremors that rocked my body.
I am sorry, My Queen. You must be complete. Don't be scared. He whispered soothingly to me, coming to lay down next to me as I writhed on the floor in silent pain.
Knowledge and power filled me so painfully, like everything book in the library I laid in, was suddenly being forced into my body and I could do nothing to stop it.
I felt a warm glow touch my mind, soothing the screaming ache as knowledge threatened to split it. I gasped at the relief the glow brought, dull the light inside of me with a golden warmth I knew well.
You will be okay, child. Witch whispered, a smile in her voice. You were chosen by Mother. Trust her.
I fell into a tumbling void of power I'd never thought I could feel except in the presence of Witch herself.
Accepting it as my true essence.
The White Wolf appeared with Soul-Miranda's essence, my power taking the form Mother chose to represent her in this new world.
I let her press against me, my void absorbing her until I shone with the same glow.
I felt the wild savagery, the unlimited power, the call of Mother and under it all, I felt the hatred for the Stain spread amongst the lands I touched of Imperius.
It searched, and found all those Stained within, I felt my magic lock them in place, freezing them where they stood.
I opened my eyes finally to the library, Shadowwalker still sitting beside me and watching me carefully.
The window behind him told me I had been out for a while, the sun beginning to set.
I could feel Adam calling through our bond and I instantly replied, soothing him as I got to my feet.
I felt a bit weak, Shadowwalker noticing stood, using his large back to support my arms as I put them over him.
I will take you, my Queen. He gave a look and levitation magic swirled around me, lifting me onto his back.
I wasn't sure where to hold under a silver braided rein appeared across his neck.
"Thank you, mighty Lord." I smiled, taking the magic warm metal in my hands as he slowly walked out of the room into the grand foyer.
How shall we introduce the new Queen? His tone was teasing as he opened the door with magic and stepped into the wonderful smelling twilight.
We shared a look, like we had been friends for a lifetime.
He nodded and blew out and approving puff of air before he broke into a gallop for the tunnel.
Once we passed the sound of the waterfall, I could hear the banquet was starting.

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