Chapter Nine: The Snake Pit

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I slipped out of the Packhouse later that night, just after sunset, using the back entrance we'd used to bring the humans through, with a backpack filled by Bev when she met me at the first door to the passage on Sub-level 3.
It was a narrow tunnel that was accessed by two thick doors with six-code passwords that changed every few hours.
I waited at the last door, between code changes and Bev mind-linked me the new code Adam sent out.
I thumbed it into the handle keypad and breathed a sigh of relief when the light turned green and I heard the internal mechanism unlatch.
I opened the door quickly and slipped out into the night of the forest.
I shielded my mind enough and altered my scent with magic, hoping it would take Adam time to follow.
My heart pulled painfully at the the thought of my actions, but I knew he wouldn't have agreed.
I ran down into a patch of open forest, stopping long enough to notice the feeling of the others.
Pam and Gervin.
I kept running, knowing they had flanked me. I dug into my new strength, pushing my legs hard enough I stayed just out of reach as they darted behind me, whimpering as neither could open a mind-link without contact. 
I pushed one with Bev, alerting to her to my company.
Let them follow. They can help protect you.
I'll be home soon. I promised, closing the mind link.
I kept running, finally opening my mind to the two Wolves.
Luna? Are you running away?  Pam whined.
No, I need answers and I know somewhere to get them. I explained to them my plan and it seemed thought out enough they fell silent and just followed.
 It took another two hours before we got to the outskirts of the large middle-of-nowhere bar.
The serpent symbol out the front in neon lights, told me I was in the right place.
The Snake Pit.
A bar I had overhead Harlen talk about frequently, I'd also seen it in one of Mr. L's session, buried in the hills. I'd recognised the place when Bev showed me an area map with more recent images, the vision I'd had on how to get there was from one of the main roads that happened to be the human road near Argis.
We stopped just outside the lights, sticking to the darkness and I pulled out the change of clothes Bev had given me.
Tight leather pants, a low hanging halter-neck with a small band that held it around the back, leaving my skin exposed.
I pulled on the large knee-high platform heels, buckling them and zipping them tightly around my calves.
There was also a long black wig.
Pam had Shifted and dressed with some of the other clothes Bev had packed.
A little black dress and strappy heels.
She fluffed her luscious blonde waves over her shoulder and pulled her dress down a bit.
Helping me put the wig on, she quickly applied enough makeup to my eyes and lips before she tossed everything into the bag, handing it to Gervin.
He took the bag in his mouth, nodding his head in the direction he was going to stand in waiting.
Pam and I glanced around the parking lot, motorbikes and large vehicles scattered around. The music inside the bar was loud, flooding out of the red metal door.
I knocked loudly, making someone open a small window in the centre of the door.
Dark brown eyes looked between Pam and me.
I flicked my hair over my shoulder and turned, giggling to Pam.
"Harlen told me about this place all the time," I smiled and turned back to the man. "Is there a fee or something?" I did my best to act ditzy and friendly. 
Pam followed along, leaning a bit too far to look into the peep hole.
"Is it real exclusive?" She giggled.
The man chuckled, his eyes burning with lust and we heard the door unlock and it slid open before us.
The man behind was large and balding, his pasty skin was sweaty despite the air conditioning that blasted us and he was sitting down at a cash register.
"You're in luck," he smiled at us, gesturing down the red lined hallway to another door. "It's free entry for beautiful ladies." 
Pam and I giggled, she blew him a kiss as I grabbed her hand and we headed for the door.
I had to take a quick stabilising breath before opening the door, pulling down the handle and stepping onto the landing platform that overlooked the filled bar.
We made our way down a set of stairs and onto the hardwood floor, Pam confidently walking to the bar and leaning on it.
I followed her, ignoring the eyes that followed us.
A small man stood behind the bar, reading his essence I had to hold back a gasp.
I could see the glimmers of trickster magic altering his appearance enough to look human, he narrowed his eyes at me when he caught me staring.
"What'd you want?" He snapped, making me look away while Pam ordered us something to drink.
I quickly scanned the patrons, seeing different essences mixed made me feel a little dizzy.
I found a booth in a back corner and Pam followed me with our drinks, placing one in front of me while I sat and kept looking around, seeming like I was curious.
The essence of Wolves was the strongest, six of the in total, overpowering at least eight humans and one....I looked at Pam who caught my eye over her drink.
I reached across the table, acting like I was checking out her rings, opening a mind-link between us.
Gorgon. Door guard. I pulled away and sipped the glass of whiskey she had brought me.
I could handle it now, having tasted some already.
My heart clenched at the thought of Adam, almost breaking my barrier I'd put up. I could feel Soul-Miranda leaning against it, trying to find a weakness she could use to help the break.
She cried for Adam.
"Can I help you?" I heard Pam ask, making me look up and stare into a set of familiar eyes.
We both looked at each other for a moment before I pulled myself out of the booth and into his arms.
"Mr. L!" I squeaked into his thick jacket as he hugged me tightly, I felt him shake slightly only to pull back and see he was smiling with tears in his eyes.
"They said you were dead." He whispered, pulling me into the booth again and nodding to Pam.
She glared at him then me, when I nodded she relaxed and went back to watching the bar while I turned to Mr. L, grabbing his large hand and squeezing it.
"I escaped." He matched my smile and squeezed my hand back.
"I knew you were tough. Where did you go?" I told him only a moments of my story, mostly running from the Grounds, finding a mate amongst Wolves and Harlen finding me again.
"Harlen? The blonde shithead?" Mr. L raised him eyebrow making me giggle.
"Yeah, why?"
"He was here the other week, spouting some shit about making the Grounds the most fortified and ruthless company in Partos." He waved his hand and shouted for the barkeep to bring him another round.
The Kioren obeyed, not bothering to say anything as he put three more whiskeys down on the table.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial filled with black smoke liquid.
"Was handing out these too, said the first taste is free." He chuckled coldly, placing the vial in front of me.
I took it, feeling the pulses of my own magic calling to me.
The essence within was odd, it was Darius's essence, but there was a mix of another.
My eyes flicked to the bartender who was watching me from the corner of the bar, cleaning a glass.
I let my magic flow a bit more, watching the stain float around him.
I looked away quickly, I had my answers.
They used the dominating allure of an Alpha Wolf to give them strength and speed, and Kioren essence to control them with compulsion.
I stared at the mixture, seeing the human blood.
I mind-linked Bev, telling her I had a sample for her. 
She instructed me of a vial shelf she had installed into the thick sole of my shoes.
Pushing down on the back heel where the sole and boot met, a draw popped out.
I placed the vial into it quickly and pushed it closed.
"Miranda," Pam's voice made me look at her, but she was glancing around the bar.
Some of the Wolves and all of the humans were staring at us.
Mr. L looked down at me curiously.
"Are you in trouble?" He whispered, I met his soft green eyes.
"You should leave." I whispered back, squeezing his arm as I saw some of the humans stand and start towards us.
He stared at me then looked at Pam's expression, realisation sunk in and he looked back at me in awe.
"Luna," he breathed out. Suddenly he slipped out of the booth, moving fast, he grabbed the first human who was advancing only to turn and throw him across the room into two Wolves, knocking them all down.
"Get outside!" Mr. L shouted, his enormous stature growing taller and wider, shifting some of the chairs and tables around him.
The three humans in front of him froze, the Wolves behind didn't.
Pam yanked me out of the booth and covered my body from the violence that sounded, she shoved me up the stairs.
I looked down at the bar floor.
Mr. L had half Shifted, he stood over everyone with his canines and claws covered in blood. One Wolf and three humans were dead. 
Six humans and four Wolves circled him.
He snarled, spinning to meet everyone's eye.
His eyes snapped up to me on the stairs.
"GO!" He roared before lunging at the first Wolf closest to him, driving his canines into his throat and spearing the mans back with his claws.
Pam shoved me into the hallway, slamming the door behind us.
The doorman stood up, his eyes narrowing on us.
Pam was partly covered in blood and I was shaking from adrenaline. We shared a look and she dropped to all fours, running forward at the man as he started to drop his disguise.
His body greened and he enlarged in height and width, he grabbed Pam as she got to him and tossed her out the open door, following behind her as his body continued to grow.
I ran out, seeing his gigantic form over Pam made me yell in rage.
I threw myself at him as he went to swing at her, knocking us both to the ground.
A huge elbow was thrown back and hit me in the face, throwing me off and making me roll.
I got to my feet quickly and pulled the small blade that hid in the shoes buckles.
I felt blood spilling from my nose and down my lips.
I wiped it away, watching as the Gorgon stared at me, assessing me.
Pam had gotten to her feet and launched onto his back, digging a clawed hand into his chest and the other into his cheek.
He flailed, his arms swinging wildly to reach her as she tugged across his face, making him scream out.
I ran forward, slicing the knife across his exposed belly.
The knife was too small.
It cut through but he barely recognised what I did, reaching around him to grab Pam by the hair and threw her over him.
I went to side step, only to react too slow and Pam slammed on top of me.
I managed to throw a shield around us before his fist came down, bouncing him back slightly.
Pam pulled me to my feet while I kept my eyes on the ogre of a man, half his face was torn and mangled, his chest was punctured and blood covered him, I was thankful the shield could support itself for now.
He punched the shield more, causing tremors to run through my magic, his brute strength threatening to overpower it.
Screaming in anger and frustration he clasped his hands together and brought them down onto the shield, using all his strength.
I tried to fight it, to keep the shield around us but the shockwave that followed his hit snapped my connection to it, breaking the shield.
Pam had gotten to her feet, dragging me backwards with her out of his swinging grip.
A large greyish-brown Wolf exploded out of the bar door, bending the metal as it launched at the Gordon, latching its jaws around the things throat.
The Gorgon gargled and screamed as Mr. L ripped a chunk of flesh and pushed out of the ogres grip, he used his body to shield me from an incoming punch,
He slammed into me, tossing me back.
Pam had Shifted, joining the battle while I felt a mind-link force its way through.
 Get back now! The voice shook my soul and I found myself falling back to the tree-line, watching Mr. L and Pam lunge and evade, ripping and clawing into the flesh of the doorman.
I blinked at the sight, suddenly seeing the familiar tall frame that set my heart into an erratic voice.
He grabbed the top and bottom jaw of the ogre and yanked his arms apart, tearing the creatures head in two. He glared at Pam, making her shrink and expose her neck as she walk backwards into the treeline.
Adam turned to Mr. L and I saw the mind-link between them form.
Mr. L eyes dashed to me quickly as the King-Alpha aura took over the whole area.
I forced myself to move when I heard Adam sneer.
I managed to throw myself between them, Adam stopped his fist just before it impacted with me.
He growled at me and set me with silver eyes.
"Move." He ordered.
My legs wanted to obey, but I kept them still, grabbing his jacket.
"No, he saved my life!"
"You put yourself in danger! What were you even thinking coming here?" He shouted at me, leaning over me and grabbing my throat as Alpha took full control. 
I threw my hand back at Mr. L who snarled at Adam, he was brave, I'd give him that.
I grabbed Adam's wrist and forced a mind-link, showing him my sessions with Mr. L from the Grounds, his constant care and kindness, some of his Pack's fall which killed his wife and then him saving Pam and I in the bar.
Adam's eyes faltered, the silver shrunk and I saw gold start to break through.
He looked at Mr. L again who had laid on his stomach behind me, his neck exposed but he watched us carefully.
"Mr. L," I started when Adam released my throat finally. "This is my mate, Adam." Mr. L Shifted and kneeled before Adam, recognising who he was from the overwhelming Royal scent.
"I am a Rouge, but not by choice."
Adam watched me, I placed my hand on Mr. L's bare shoulder and met Adam's eye.
I knew what I was asking. I'd read enough Wolf Law and Rights to know I was asking for an approval of claim.
I was accepting Mr. L into our Pack, taking responsibility for him and his death should he do anything Adam deems wrong.
But Mr. L was an Alpha himself, it was rare they went Rouge without selfish or self-loathing reasons. The fall of his Pack had destroyed him, his wife succumbing to her wounds days after, he didn't believe he held honour or the strength of an Alpha anymore.
I knew he still did. 
"You are not a Rouge." Adam said finally, looking down.
Mr. L kept his head down, Adam called Kaleb forward who handed him a bag, avoiding looking at me.
He handed the bag to Mr. L.
"Get dressed, you will come with us to Argis." He turned, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind to a waiting SUV, Bev sat in the front seat with Thomes driving.
She gave me an apologetic look as I climbed into the car but I waved her off, grabbing the vial from my boot and handing it to her.
"What is that?" Adam asked, his anger flaring.
"I believe it's the Howzel formula they're using to control the stained humans." I said, then stuck my head out the car window at Mr. L as he dressed. 
"Is the bartender dead?" I called, he pulled on the jacket and looked at me, his eyes ducking to Adam behind me.
"No, I just knocked him out. He's a friend." He shrugged.
"Get him, I think he can help." I watched Bev get out of the car and opened the boot while Mr. L went and retrieved his unconscious friend, both Adam and Bev looking at me surprised with the Kioren man being loaded into the back of the car.
I shrugged.
"Harlen use to say scum bags hung out here, he called me a scum bag a lot. I just didn't realise there'd be so many Clans." I moved over to let Mr. L in next to me, Adam wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against him tightly.
"You should have told me."
"You would have let me go?" I snapped, looking at him.
His eyes battled between Alpha and Adam.
He closed them and sighed, giving me my answer.
"Exactly, I had to do this. Everyone in there was Stained except the bartender and Mr. L." I threw a thumb in their directions.
Adam raised a brow, a small smirk defying his angry expression.
"Mr. L?" He asked, looking at Mr. L who ducked his eye and I thought I saw him blush.
"Uh, yeah, you need a name for the sign in so I picked.."
"The Wolf hero from Full Moon Raging." Adam finished, suddenly laughing together.
I looked between them then Mr. L.
"Wait, so what is your name if you stole Mr. L?" I asked, pulling my brows. He and Adam laughed again.
"Samson of Otera, when Otera was a place."  He shrugged, pain flashing in his eyes.
We had started to drive back home, I sunk into Adam's warmth, going to drop my blocker only to feel it was already gone. I chuckled to myself.
Of course in my panic, I'd called out for Adam and broken my own protection against him.
"Otera is being rebuilt." Adam stated, looking at Samson. "If my Luna is right about you, I need a new Alpha for it." He squeezed my waist slightly, releasing a wave of loving emotion through our bond.
I leaned up and claimed his lips, feeling the annoyance, stress and anger melt away until he was kissing me back.
I pulled away and put my head on his shoulder, sleep threatening to take me.
"I didn't realise you were true-mates." I heard Samson whisper.
"We are." Adam said flatly.
I heard Samson sigh. "I hope she makes you happy. She was always so kind to me, despite me almost killing her when we met."
Adam gave a small chuckle.
"It seems my Luna likes to meet Clans on their worst days." He paused for a second and I felt him kiss my cheek. "She makes me feel alive again, something I haven't felt in five hundred years." I was deep enough into a sleep I couldn't smile or move to wrap around into him more, but I wasn't deep enough to miss the smile on his lips.
They slipped into a simple conversation of what was to come the next few days.
My little side-quest, as Adam called it, added three more days in Pack lands before we would head to Imperius.
I had three days to find a way to break the stain and find those in Imperius who helped it come to exist. 
Samson had offered his services and the last thing I heard before falling asleep on Adam, was him saying.
"Good, Miranda needs as many babysitters I can find. I don't know how she even got out."
That I smiled at.  

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