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Somewhere in space on Copper 9 is you, a worker drone who hides from the disassembly drones who hunts for your kind. You live only with a friend whose name is Hotshot due to the fact that your parents were slaughtered by one of the murderous bots.


Anyways today's the day your friend here takes you out of the colony for one reason; to meet a friend at another hideout.

The two of you walked through the snowy and gloomy ruins. Hotshot is just eager to meet one of his friends, you on the other hand is paranoid to the threat of being mangled by one of the disassembly drones.

(Y/N): Something is off Hotshot, it's been quiet for so long...

Hotshot: Don't be a pus (Y/N), this route is the safest way to my pal and his neighbors.

(Y/N): Heh, maybe I'm a bit too scared of them...

Hotshot: No worry bud, we're almost there and it's not like we're being stalked and targeted as of now.

Until he spoke too soon...

The sounds of wings opening up was heard and it immediately caught your attention. Hotshot looked up to see the disassembly drones dive down towards him.

Hotshot: WHY ME!!!

Hotshot was instantly used to soften the landing for the drone and he was left wounded.

J: Garbage like you is why I was hired, to always pick it up.

She got off of Hotshot to leave him for dead. She turned her attention towards you and you immediately began running for your life. You had no way to outrun her as she immediately pinned you beside some rubble. It was this moment you recieve a clear view of her face and characteristics; she felt unique to your likings, something you didn't expect to see on a disassembly drones like her.

(Y/N): Do- don't turn me offline!!! Please!!! Lemme say my last words if you want to terminate me!!!

J stopped for a second and her claws awaited for his words to exit his mouth.

(Y/N) runs NEWFOUND_INTEREST.file on his visors: I know we just had our first contact and I already find you pretty!!!

Your arms lifted up, awaiting death but to only see J run FLUSTERED.file on her visors. You embarrassed J to the point that she retracted her claws and flew away to who knows where.

You stayed on the same rubble for several seconds, processing what the heck just happened until you remembered your friend is injured.

Hotshot: Hey (Y/N), I know you avoided death and all but CAN YOU PLEASE SAVE MY SERVOS, I'm leaking oil all over the place!

You quickly got up on your legs and picked him up, he suffered a broken left leg, a loose joint on his right arm, and a damaged visor.

Hotshot: Get me to point B fast!

You ran with him in your arms to try to save him before its too late. During the run, you fell into a wave of thoughts for what just happened. Why did she decide to spare you, why did you fall for her, and if you could find her for a short conversation.

It doesn't matter now as you need to reach the hideout to save Hotshot.


You knocked onto the entrance of the reinforced trap door and it was the Hotshot's friend named Blaster.

Blaster: What in robo Jesus happened to you Hotshot!?

(Y/N): Attacked by one of them, do you know anyone who can patch him up?

Blaster smirked to his question.

Blaster: Your looking right at him

He welcomed you into the mini colony and made his way to his residence.

Blaster: Hotshot must've been busy over there with you to finally have time to take you here

(Y/N): Yep, we mostly learn to make fun of our teacher, hear rumors about the small purple hair student, and practice brotherhood among each other

You layed Hotshot's Sleep Mode chasis on the table as his friend started operating on him. He remembered that you encountered a disassembly drone and decided to ask you about it.

Blaster: Speaking of which...

(Y/N): (Y/N)...

Blaster: Yes yes but how did you survive if you encountered one of them? Survival rate against one is near zero ya know

You immediately became embarrassed remembering that interaction with her.

(Y/N): awkward situation...

Blaster: okie dokie now just go sit down at the couch if you want to think about it, I'm gonna just tend to my friend's machinery and try to fix him up the best I can

You took his request and relaxed on his couch. That encounter gave you second thoughts about her, murderous yet cunning, loyal to her company yet she possess a personality that hasn't been explored. You snooze away slowly thinking about what happened as you realize that you fell for her completely.

(Y/N): She does look gorgeous... I might attempt contact again, hopefully she doesn't maul me... I didn't expect to say this but... I can fix her

Sleep Mode Activated...

847 words


[Prefer to try something different other than Splatoon... let's hope I can do something interesting with this story...]

"I Can Fix Her" Serial Designation J X (M) Reader [Murder Drones Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now