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Another day later...

Booting up system

FRIENDSHIP.exe running


It was the time for you and Hotshot to depart away from Blaster as you two gotta go back to the colony. Hotshot and Blaster were quickly saying their goodbyes and you waited until its your turn.

Hotshot: It was nice being with you bud, too bad I gotta go back to where I belong now

Blaster: Understandable pal, just sorry about the visor ya know; anyways good luck over there just make sure to come and visit me often with (Y/N)

(Y/N): Of course

Hotshot: Definitely bringing him along next time, he's interesting to have around

Blaster: Yes yes, that situation is to be noted

(Y/N): I'm just a good friend

Blaster nodded to your response. Now's the time to go and you gave each other a fist bump, after that you and Hotshot finally left him and the hideout.

Now begins the walk back to the colony on the desolate wasteland.

Hotshot: Let's hope your interest doesn't finish her meal ehhh?

(Y/N): Let's hope she leaves you be...


We enter into the pod where the disassembly drones reside in, J was busy making herself look perfect in her uniform and hairstyle facing the broken mirror.

J: Sooner or later, I gotta tell him...

She realized the choice she's gonna make is going to put her into jeopardy.

J: Him or the Company...

Her alone time was quickly distracted by her other coworker, the unpredictable V.

V: Why the scrap are you acting like this?

J: Feeling motivated is the only answer

V: My senses tells me that's not correct

J realizes she's gonna have to make another excuse if she wants to keep you protected.

J: I got plans for myself out there, something creative


V: So you like have a hobby now?

J nodded quickly as "confirmation".

Then what's with you inspecting yourself?

J: Uh hello? I prefer to keep clean?

It was this time V has had enough of listening to her, but she still feels suspicious about her mood.

V: Later we'll finish this conversation, better not forget

J eases herself from the situation, realizing that she's onto her now; but she decide to ignore the warning.

J: No worry (Y/N), you and me will be together soon~


The walk continued on with you and Hotshot in the ruins. This time he requires your guidance to return to the colony mainly because of his obvious injury that was mentioned before.

Hotshot: How long till we get there?

(Y/N): Already forgot your way home ehhh?

Hotshot: Don't blame me, it's hard to see due to that crazy bi-

"I Can Fix Her" Serial Designation J X (M) Reader [Murder Drones Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now