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Several days later...

Evaluating the situation...

Report: HAPPINESS.exe succeeded

Continuing program


It's been a few days since you and J officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. That event between Hotshot and Uzi has been treated fairly well by the worker drones that reside with them, you on the other hand left the colony before they could find out that you've been dating a disassembly drone, which of course would be bad if they know about it. Now, because of that, the two of you hang out with Blaster because he's in a more secluded area with other worker drones deep within a basement.

Currently, you and J are seated on the couch and watching something on the TV Blaster owns, with her resting onto you.

(Y/N): Enjoying the stay?

J: I'll ignore any conditions as long as I have you~

She calmly answered, and the conditions she mentioned are a reference that Blaster lives in a messy area.

(Y/N): Hehe, let's hope he didn't hear that

He's been standing nearby and heard her all too well.

Blaster: I'm basically giving my property to you!

He retorted in an angry manner.

J immediately gets up from the couch, walked right up to Blaster, and stares down at him.

J: Let's just remember who I am

Blaster immediately fell onto the ground in fear.

Blaster: Forgive me! I didn't mean to piss you off! I'm just a fool!

J went from showing intimidation to laughing in a matter of seconds from his reaction.

J: Hah! This is why I love screwing around with junk like you

Meanwhile, you were busy watching the entire thing go down and simply admire her attitude and how bossy she could get.

(Y/N): Blaster, I suggest keeping your mouth closed if you want your circuits to stay with you

He nodded and got up from the floor, going back to his own business.

Blaster: No voice because of her...

J walks back to you and sits on the couch. This time, you rested yourself onto her, getting her by surprise.

J: Awww, now you want to lay onto me?

(Y/N): Just love to spread that gratitude with you

She smiled from your statement until she felt the need to eat, a reminder that not all good things last forever.

J: (Y/N), are there any drone parts or oil around here?

This gives you an idea. A fast and simple way of getting her a meal is to simply find one alive.

(Y/N): Blaster!

He ran quickly to listen to what you wanted.

Blaster: Y- yes bud?

(Y/N): She's hungry, know a fresh one around here?

Blaster runs COLD_BLOOD.file

Blaster: Yes... I'll tell you who J could take a bite from...


1 hour later...

You and J are now somewhere at the wasteland, awaiting two certain drones Blaster has had nerves against. Apparently, the two drones Blaster has pinned for disassembly are his bullies and force him to giveaway his own stuff to them. Now, you have been instructed to wait for them to appear on a trail, and you gotta play bait on em so J could jump in and slice them up.

"I Can Fix Her" Serial Designation J X (M) Reader [Murder Drones Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now