A Pirate's Lover

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Warning: This story includes themes such as death and is a little nsfw in some parts
This story is MxM

Story Creation date: March 8, 2024

Love, why is it as cruel as death itself? I even don't know where to start...


I slice the entire trunk in half, the tree falls and the villagers cheer...
It's been like this for as long as can remember... in fact, it's been like this every day since... he... left us...

I constructed houses for them, I gave them wings, I gave them a clock tower, I gave them a temple, I gave them... many things.
Yet, the newborns still ask what they could give in return.
The adults understand that there's no bringing back the dead, lest that those you brought back turn against you and you have to put them down... so is the rule of this world towards necromancy and bridging the afterlife to the mortal plane.

I danced in the beauty of the sunset, with a cutlass that used to belong to him...
The words "Child of The Dragon" and on the other side of the cutlass, "Child of the Wolf in the Skies"
I could feel his hands guiding mine to properly use the blade...
As if we were dancing like we used to, our blades gleaming as the last rays of the sun hit them, but now, I'm dancing alone.
Soon, they appeared, a ship at the docks near my house at the shore.
That very ship, which had my husband on board and the sorcerer who I still need to find... that ghost ship...

This blue fur I had was no good for camouflage when I first appeared in this world, but it did do me useful when I struck prey from above.
I am a wolf after all... a wolf who stands on two legs, there are many like me, but after a small incident in a village, I ran away from my tribe.
My cloak wasn't very practical, as it got caught in branches every now and then.
The trousers I wore were only leather, but it was the best protection one could get at the time...
Eventually, I found a small beach, not far from a village.
It was in a taiga biome, there were many sweet berry bushes around, so I had food for days on end along with the animals which almost as if appear out of nowhere from time to time.
Near where I set up a small tent made from leaves and sticks under a tree, with a small campfire which I kept lit at all times, was a cave.
At first, I was too scared to go to the cave, but somehow, I managed to gain the courage and crafted some torches.
I lit the torches, fashioned a wooden sword and pickaxe and ventured into the cave...
Safe to say that at least three days passed while I was in the cave, the berries - practically rations - were enough to last me through.
I emerged from the cave with a diamond pickaxe close to breaking, found in a chest in the underground.
Diamond armor, many diamonds in a bag, along with iron ore, coal, and a few other ores along with tons of stone.
I constructed a small two floor house in a day... somehow... and immediately got to work with filling out my house with furnices, crafting stations, smokers outside, a basement with blast furnices, a bed on the second floor, a storage room, and a lookout tower at the top of the house.
I did do more exploring, and found the remains of a royal... he must've wanted to be in peace when he died as his house was on a mountain.
That house might be his vacation home or he was driven out of his kingdom and seeked refuge in that house.
I gave him a proper burial.

After a while, I went back home and I rested... I slept for what seemed to be two days.
When I woke up, I looked out of the window and saw a ship, docking at the farm I made near the beach.
I ran outside with my diamond sword and armor, a shield which I had crafted, testing the crafting stations.
When the ship landed on the shore, the first to step off was its captain... a... handsome Sea Dragon.
He... didn't speak like how I'd imagine a plunderer would speak, "Righto! This here be the fabled shore which sits above where the gate to Biringan be, aye?" the other crew all shout aye.
I step out and into the light, "Who are you?"
The pirates look stunned, almost shocked that they found a wolf in full diamond.
"You... you must be the handsome man who built the magnificent house at the top of this shore... aye?"
"Yes, but answer my question!"
"I be Cap'n Samael Dracus Bakunawa! who might ye be, ye devilishly 'andsome wolf?"
"I am... Fang... Fang Elijah Moongrave of the... no, nevermind... Anyway, I answered your question, now... why are you here?"
He went quiet, staring at me, eying me up, measuring me, smirking.
"Well, Well, I seems I 'ave a new quest, one which be separate from Biringan an' El Dorado! me crew! we shall get a bigger ship an' more crew! but fer the meantime, let us 'elp this here wolf in any o' 'is needs as we search fer the gate to Biringan!"
The crew celebrate...

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