Warrior, Sorcerer, King

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Once a long time ago, there lived a prince trapped in a spire.
His heart, wounded from death, had one desire.
To see the sleeping queen,
Could turn chaotic minds serene.

But deception was as malevolent as it was known.
Deception and trickery, from pain, the queen did groan.
A sorcerer who ran away,
Accused of foul play.

In a battlefield her corpse did lay.
Her sword, mightily, stood at bay.
Fighting the evils which wish to corrupt her corpse,
Brought her back to life to fight with no remorse.

Oh decendants of the chosen ones, heed her call.
Awaken the queen who sleeps past the grand hall.
That is what she demands.
Lest she die, and the kingdom in the wrong hands.

"OOHH! What happens next?"
"My child, patience, there is more to the story."

I swing my sword, the cutlass which my father left me, stained in blood.
The bandits fall one by one, "Stupid bandits! How dare you try to fight the Pirate Prince!? You fall at my hands one by one!"
My eyes begin to tear up as the sight of death surrounds me, reminded of the gruesome death which I witnessed in front of me.

I could only watch him be slain as I was whisked away by our escape boat.
He looked to us and smiled just before another invader took a sword and slit his throat open.
We arrived at our home kingdom, Perdida, our hearts wounded both emotionally and some physically.
We were the last remaining crew of the ship.

A year later, I'd started training with my father's cutlass.
I could feel a hand guiding my hands when I hold the blade against an opponent.
"Ye dare go against the grandson o' the one who once conquered sky an' sea, Samael? Ye dare go against the son o' the mighty Drago, Elvarg Murdock Bakunawa-Moongrave?!" A voice calls out to my enemies from my cutlass.
Last I knew it, I was knocked out unconscious and trapped in a spire of a castle.


I ran away as fast as I could, my cloak caught in the low trees of the forest and the twigs cracking, alerting my hunters to my location.
I reach a small cabin in this forest and seeked refuge, inside was an old man, lying sickly on a bed, I put on a disguising spell, hoping to act as this old man's caretaker.
A knock comes from the door, "Sir, are you there?"
I look to the old man, and he looked to me and nodded, "Go, answer the door, dear."
I do as I'm told, I open the door and see one of the men tasked to find me.
"Good Evening Miss, what are you doing in this cabin?"
"I was asked to take care of the owner of the house, why is it you ask?"
"Well, have you seen a figure in these woods here cloaked in red?"
"I haven't seen such, and if I will see such, I will first secure the house and then run to you and your men for help, sir!"
"Bleh! The things I do for my own survival!"

"I'M A SORCERESS!" I shout as I ran from the palace.
My father used to serve as the Queen's sorcerer, so when the neighboring kingdom found out about his decendant, they immediately got to work with finding and capturing me.
Fortunately, I've read almost every single book on spells and magic, so when the time came, I'd already mastered every single spell I know.
The king wanted to visit the dreaming Queen, and get her blessing to marry me, which was already so wrong on so many levels.
So I fled my captors.

The staff which I carried behind me floats.
"Alicia Serafina Evangelos, bear witness to its power, allow me to show it to you, lightly tap the head of this artifact of time onto the ground!"
I did as the voice commanded, the room transforms into the lobby of a two story house, the cabin's form must've also changed, if not, my magical properties will be found immediately.
I look out and see that the cabin has indeed followed the inside's transformation.

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