A Lost Charm At Snowfall

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"Grandma, how did you and Grandpa... y'know, get together?"

My Granddaughter asks me.
I look to the top of the fireplace... a wedding photo of me and my late husband, "It all started as far as I can remember..."

I stare into the fires of the fireplace, which turn into the fires that come from our car, my mum and dad still in it, I look to the angel beside me, he's bathed in light.
I can't remember whether that angel was real or not, but I do remember that I was saved that night.

I was eventually adopted to a family, but during my time at the orphanage, I met a kid like me, they called him Ray... but his name was Raymond Zadkiel Soter.

"I'm Ray! What's your name?"
I look up from my diary, "Kore... Kore Weiss."
"That's a beautiful name! What are you reading?"
"No... I'm writing, I'm writing about what happened yesterday, and what's happening today..."
"That's lovely, my dad's a writer as well... or was..."
"Here, sit." I motion to the free space beside me.
"You're so pretty!"
"Really? I don't think so..."
"Well, I think you are! And that bracelet suits you!"
"Really? Well, you can have one of the accessories on my bracelet!"

I detached a small emerald from the bracelet and pulled a chain out of my bag and fashioned it into a necklace and placed it around his neck.
"Now you're pretty too!"
"I'm not pretty! I'm cool! What's this green gem?"
"My mum called it... Ema!"
"Well, Ema is cool as a tree!"
We both laugh...

Soon, he was adopted out...
"RAY!" I shout as I ran to him, tears falling from my eyes and onto the ground.
"Promise we'll meet again in the future!"
"I vow to keep Ema shining bright until then!" He laughs a bit as we pinky promised this.

A few months passed and I too was adopted out, I now had a brother, my father was kind, and so was my mother.
Life was good, I went to a private school and eventually something magical happened when I was around sixteen, in high school...

"Good Morning, My name is Raymond Zadkiel Soter, I'm fifteen years old and I hope to... to... to get a long with you all." He stares at me...no my bracelet.
He wore a jacket, I wasn't sure whether he was Ray or not, his face would be miles different from Ray, too much of a pretty boy, the tall pretty boy of the class.

A half a year goes by in a flash.
He and I got closer and closer and soon, I developed feelings for him.
During lunch, I was studying for the quiz in the afternoon, Raymond approached me.

"I'm Ray! What's your name?" In a high voice, Raymond said.
Silence as I looked up at him, the fountain behind me threatening to get me wet.
His hand reached out to me, he wasn't wearing his usual hoodie or jacket, his arm lay bear and I could see...
A small green jewel tightly fashioned on his wrist by a chain.
"You'll fall back if you keep staring into space, here!" He pulls me towards him and close to me.
"Do you remember now?" His voice as soft as an easy chair, fresh as the morning air.

He laughs, his voice refreshing my mind.
"I thought so... damn, you've changed a lot, weren't it for your bracelet, I would've likely passed you as just a classmate."
"Well, I suspected it since your name and all but who am I kidding, Ray, you've changed so much!"
"Well, that's what happens when someone takes his life seriously."
"Hey, I've been taking my life seriously as well!"
"I guess this changes some things... you're still very pretty, beautiful, grand, elegant!"
"All right, slow down, what are you getting at? I've seen this tactic too much."
"Well... I've always wanted to as you this... will you go out with me?" He pulls out a bouquet of flowers with his other hand.

Speechless, was absolutely speechless, all I could say was...
"Since when have you..."
I stared into his eyes, and his eyes answered me "Since we met that day."
Ray's face forms a smile, "Wait... you're serious?"

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