A Za Made of Love

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Warning: This story is MxM and is very slow in the first few parts of the story.

-With that, Enjoy -

The moment I opened my own pizzeria, he came into my life...

"Another pizza shop! Are you trying to junk up my territory? Do you even know what you're doing?"
I turn around after unpacking my equipment from their boxes.
I see a 5'7 man, curly brown hair, thick eyebrows, and a sweeping mustache beneath his nose. A large build, a pale red shirt and black pants underneath a white apron with a matching chef's hat on his head.
"I believe so, good sir!"
He smirks and eyes me from below the counter up to my eyes.
"That was rhetorical, pal. Let's see you make at least a regular cheese! Eight slices! Stat!"
I rush to my counter, "Only a cheese pizza, I got this!" and shape the dough, making the crust, and put it on a peel.
I continue on with spreading the sauce on top evenly, and gently and evenly spreading cheese on top of the sauce.
I take the pizza and carefully chuck it into the automated oven, the conveyor belt delivers the pizza into the oven to cook.
Once the pizza has fully baked after a set amount of time, the conveyor belt brings the fresh-out-of-the-oven pizza out.
I get my pizza slicer and cut the golden pizza up into eight slices as he requested.
I carefully place it in a box and serve it to my customer, he opens it and looks at me with a smirk still plastered on his face.
"It all took about a few minutes, huh... time is a very delicate matter so you best hire a few buddies to help you out..." I hear him mutter.

"There you are, sir, how is it?"
"Sit down as well, don't wanna experience a newbie's pizza alone."
I sit him down as I take the seat in front of him, I sit straight and on edge as he takes a bite out of my pizza.
"Perfect. This is the worst pizza I've ever tasted! You'll never be the master ovenist! Hah!"
He shouts out loud, but he doesn't look at me eye-to-eye, instead, he looks at the pizza as he puts the bitten slice down.
"But if you'd join me... that'd be a different story..."
I hear him mutter under his breath, I'll ignore these things for now, might be another sarcastic comment from him.
"Alright, I'll be taking my leave! Let's see if you last even three days here!"
"Huh... he took the pizza... wait... HE TOOK THE PIZZA!"
Excitement bubbles up in me as I see him return to the other end of the road.
"Guerrero's Pizzas... well... looks like I have a rival to deal with! This is gunna be exciting!"
I hear the door open, A customer!
I rush to the counter to take their order, this is gunna be a long... long day.

The next day, my order of pepperoni toppings along with some other toppings just came in, and when I'd set up where they'll be put where they can be accessed quickly, Guerrero came through the door.
"Looks like you survived yesterday, pal! Now... Why don't I introduce myself properly? The name's Gavino Guerrero! Master Ovenist!" He poses with all his confidence and boasting.
"Cool, name's Mikhail Evangelista."
"Alright, I saw you just got new toppings... now, cheese pizzas are nice and all that, but do you know how exactly to make a normal pizza?"
"I think I have my recipe book somewhere-!"
"No recipe books, you need to learn these by heart!"
"Yes, Sir!" I shouted instinctively.
"Good, want me to help you out?"
"I t-think I'll do just fine, thank you..."
I go and prepare the pizza, "Dough, check... sauce and cheese, spread! Pepperoni, here. Next pizza..."
I prepare another pizza as I chuck the other in the oven.
"Sausage pizza done!" I say as I put it into the oven. "Now's all that's left is the mushroom pizza..."
"Done!" I look to my left, it's Gavino... the sun caught in his ash-brown hair, his eyes that were fixed onto the pizza, were now fixed onto me... his eyes are... pretty... "Wait... WHAT?!"
"You took so long so I figured I might make it for you, now, in the oven!"
I take the pizza and put it in the oven.
They come out one by one, first the pepperoni, next the sausage, then finally the mushroom.
One after the other, immediately after each one emerges from the oven, Gavino places each pie one-by-one on the counter as I cut them into the standard six slices.
I ready three boxes and place them into the boxes right after they're cut.
I turn back to the counter to see a short line of customers and Gavino.
"Well...looks like you have your work cut out for you, best get started. And here's your tip!" As I hand him the boxes, he places down a piece of paper and puts 10.00$ in the tip jar and returns to his pizzeria on the other side of the street, leaving the customers surprised.
I read the paper and it says "I'll swing by after your shift to see if you've really got what it takes to take my title! Oh, and here's my number just in case you need guidance to do everything again!"
Underneath a drawn laughing emoji, his number.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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