12. i'm falling in love

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The ground shook a little too strong for my mortal legs to remain stable. My knees gave in and I landed on my side. Before I could stop my fall, I heard the snake egg attached to my hip make a satisfying crunch.

The snake was almost fully developed when it hatched. Technically I broke it open but it's not time to be specific. What sprouted out was a light brown coloured snake with dark eyes and a cream belly. It hissed and dashed up my body.

I probably screamed, but nobody rushed to my aid. Rushing to aid was my job.
"Hey little guy." I rasped. It stuck its tongue out. "Girl, I meant girl." I corrected worriedly. The snake almost smiled. "What do I name you?" I stood up and the snake wrapped around my leg, the scaly cold feeling leaving me uneasy. The name for the Asclepius snake whispers into my ear by an unknown voice. An echo.

"Your name's Echo, how about that?" I grinned, a flush on my cheeks. I couldn't recall her face anymore, which saddened me beyond comparison. I could recall her story, though, and how she helped us. How her love for someone caused her melancholy, yet how she wholeheartedly held onto that love no matter the circumstance.

I allowed the snake to slide up my torso and rest across my shoulders, in spite of the unnerving feeling. I glanced around and blinked to try and prevent tears from forming. Tears of missing something, longing. Nothing was left except heaps of ash, a few spears and some burning dreadlocks.

The Argo II was still aloft, barely, moored to the top of the Parthenon. Half the ship's oars were broken off or tangled. Smoke streamed from several large splits in the hull. The sails were peppered with burning holes.

Leo looked almost as bad. He stood in the midst of the temple with the others now, his face covered in soot, his clothes smouldering.

The gods fanned out in a semicircle as Zeus approached. None of them seemed particularly joyful about their victory. It all felt too... fast paced. Far gone.

Apollo and Artemis stood together in the shadow of a column, as if trying to hide. Hera and Poseidon were having an intense discussion with another goddess in green and gold robes, Demeter.

Nike tried to put a golden laurel wreath on Hecate's head, but the goddess of magic swatted it away. Hermes sneaked close to Athena, attempting to put his arm around her. Athena turned her aegis shield his way and Hermes scuffled off.

The only Olympian who seemed in a good mood was Ares. He laughed and pantomimed gutting an enemy while Frank listened, his expression polite but queasy.

"Brethren," Zeus said, "we are healed, thanks to the work of these demigods. The Athena Parthenos, which once stood in this temple, now stands at Camp Half-Blood. It has united our offspring, and thus our own essences."
"Lord Zeus," Piper spoke up, "is Reyna okay? Nico and Coach Hedge?"

Zeus knitted his cloud-coloured eyebrows. "They succeeded in their mission. As of this moment they are alive. Whether or not they are okay –"
"There is still work to be done," Queen Hera interrupted. She spread her arms like she wanted a group hug. "But my heroes ... you have triumphed over the giants as I knew you would. My plan succeeded beautifully."

Zeus turned on his wife. Thunder shook the Acropolis. "Hera, do not dare take credit! You have caused at least as many problems as you've fixed!"
The queen of heaven blanched. "Husband, surely you see now – this was the only way."

"There is never only one way!" Zeus bellowed. "That is why there are three Fates, not one. Is this not so?"

By the ruins of the giant king's throne, the three old ladies silently bowed their heads in recognition. One of them flashed a smile at me and I could've sworn she was the exact replica of my grandmother. Wherever she was, she really found a way to stick around, bless the old woman's soul.

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