Chapter - 15 / He is a mafia

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Author pov

Jaddu - please sir sit and let clear everything .
Mahi and jaddu sit at the chair.
Mahi - what happened jaddu you text me to meet you fastly something happened.
Jaddu - no but I want to clear something between us.
Mahi in mind - please god please don't say that which I'm thinking ( mahi was thinking that jaddu will break everything relation between them)
Jaddu - that night was a one night stand and no need to think that I love you and I have came here to say you that we are nothing you are a stranger to me who come in my cafe to drink coffee ok we are strangers.( said in cold voice)
Mahi - Fine ok I will take it as a one night stand ( said in very cold voice)
We are stranger.
Jaddu in mind - see you also leave me like my parents you even don't try to make me change my decision.
Mahi in mind - I know even if I try to make you change your decisions you will still not change it so it better to accept the fact .
Jaddu - hmm ok sir that was a nice meet with you now I'm going by ( made handshake with mahi)
Mahi - same it was a nice meet with you ( said while doing handshake)
Mahi - come I will drop you at your cafe.
Jaddu - no need sir.
Mahi - fine I will drop you to the gate at least after all you have came in my restaurant.
Jaddu - ok.
Mahi drop jaddu to the gate where jaddu taxi was waiting and jaddu sit at the taxi and leave .
Mahi - go jaddu go run away as much you can but don't worry I will still make you mine what you thought I will leave you easily na princess. This Mahendra Singh Dhoni never leave those people or thing whom he get love and now you have being my love and life so I'm not going to leave you princess.

Ishan pov
I was sitting at a cafe waiting for aditi
I was waiting for her but I feel like someone is stareing me so I look around that if someone is seeing me or but there was no one.

Ishan in mind - no one is watching me than why I'm feeling like someone is stareing at me ahh leave it Ishan it only yours overthinker....
Aditi come and wish me good evening
Aditi - good evening sir.
Ishan - good evening aditi and please stop calling me sir outside I'm only few years older than u.
Aditi - okie ishu.( smile)
Ishan - now that ok please sit ( smile)
Aditi sit.
Aditi - ahh sir actually I have to tell you something.
Ishan - yes say na .
Aditi - sir woh act-
Ishan phone starting ringing
Ishan - ohh sorry wait a sec.
Aditi - sure.
I saw the call and it was shubman.
Ishan in mind - ufff this boy.
I cut his call.
Ishan - hmm now tell.
Aditi - ishu actually I heard wrong about shu-
Again ishan phone start ringing.
Ishan - sorrie ( cut the call again because it was shubman )
Aditi - no it ok actually I was telling that shubman is n-
Again phone start ringing and shubman call.
Ishan - ( cut the call and put it in silent)
Aditi - it ok ishan sir you can pick up the call I can wait.
Ishan - naa it not important call and it better call me ishu bhai than ishan sir I'm feeling like I'm 36 or 46 uncle.
Aditi - 😄😄okie ishu bhai ( smile on the innocence ishan have)
Ishan - now tell.

Author pov

Waiter - sir here your cold coffee ( place cold coffee in the table )
Shubman - thx
The waiter leave.
Shubman - I see darling cutting my call and talking with aditi I think you don't understand my sweet side ( said with jealousy eyes and deep voice)
Shubman was sitting in the opposite cafe of ishan and aditi where he can see ishan and aditi clearly.
Shubman - wait darling I will show you my real side now because you don't understand my sweet side ( said while seeing them ).
Shubman - ufff but my darling is looking so hot today.

Ishan outfit

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Ishan outfit

Shubman - wait baby I will make you mine very fast.
[ author - 😤
Shubman - what
Author - choose one single nickname what is this sweetheart, darling, baby what is this huh .
Shubman - arey but see him how cute, hot he is so that why various nickname I gave him.
Author - I know but still choose one.
Shubman - okie ]
Shubman message ishan that
Sweetheart Im seeing you cutting my call and talking with aditi I see don't worry you have face me in school so let see you in school sweetheart.
To cafe where ishan and aditi is sitting
Aditi - ( explain everything to ishan) this much ishu bhai I want to tell you.
Ishan - ok I understand that he dont wants to hurt or something you heard wrong but aditi tell me the truth now of my questions ok. I mean I will ask you a question and you are going to say the truth ok.
Aditi - okie.
Ishan - is he is a mafia.
Aditi - sir...umm... No... I mea..n ( suffering to say)
Ishan - ( hold aditi hands) see please don't lie the way he behave with me these days he really made me fall in love with him but I want to know the truth please aditi don't lie ( said with puppy eyes)
Aditi - ahhh yes he is a mafia.
Ishan in mind - and I can't love or live with a mafia.
Ishan - thank you so much dear to tell me... ( smile)
Aditi - bhai I will not say you anything that be in relationship with him or not but it was the first time when I saw shubman have fallen in Love with someone.. Anyway it your choice ok bhai I will go it being late I have to meet sara after this ( stand up from sit) .
Ishan stand and goes toward aditi and hug her.
Ishan - thank you so much dear for telling me that I will drop you come.
Aditi - ( hug ishu) no bhai it ok sara house is not far .
Ishan - are sure.
Aditi - yes ( smile)
Ishan - ( smile back) okie byie.
Aditi - byie.
After aditi goes ishan saw the message of shubman.
Ishan - no way shubman I can't love you because I can't forget the past where how they kill my mom and dad how my big brother was crying and carrying us on the empty dark road alone I can't forget that past and that past become because of mafia thing and you are also a mafia I can't fall for you I can't.
Ishan block shubman and goes to his house.
At kholi house.
Ishan - I'm back ( said while entering )
Virat - come I will serve your dinner.
Ishan - where is everyone.
Virat - surya and shreyas have goes to there boss and model house and about jaddu he have gone to meet someone.
Ishan - ohhh.
Virat - hmm ok sit I'm bringing your dinner.
Virat goes to the kitchen . He was serving food in the plate that suddenly he start to feel like vomiting.
Virat goes to tap and he was vomiting.
Hearing some sound ishan come to the kitchen quick and saw the virat vomiting.
Ishan - what happened bhai ( relaxing virat back).
After 2mins
Virat done vomiting but his view was getting blurred.
Virat - ish..u... I...d..o. n...t ( got faint in ishan arm)
Ishan - bhaiii ( tap virat cheek)
Ishan take virat in bride style to the bedroom.
.............This chapter ends here...............


Author note

Nothing to say I hope you like this chapter okie if you like than comment and say okie see u in the next chapter... Byie.

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