Chapter - 17 / I will not loose my hope

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Author pov

Stranger - ahh please leave me ( said in pain) .
Shreyas - how you think that we will leave you after you try to hurt our virat bhabhi . ( said in cold voice while beating him again)
Shubman - you piece of sh!t thought to kill our rohit bhai future wife how dare you motherfucker ( punching on face).
Mahi - arey bachca beat him slowly . Rohit will also beat him na.
Hardik - let rohit bhai come and kill this mc..
Sharma brother was beating Gautam because Gautam threat Rohit that he will kill Virat because of there past....
The past
Rohit - papa come let play .
Shubman - yes papa come na.
Papa - coming coming ( was coming towards them that suddenly got a gunshot)
Hardik/shreyas - PAPA....
Rohit - papa ( run towards his papa).
Papa - ( fall in the floor)
Shubman - ( crying) papa don't...close your eyes na... papa.
Papa - ro..... Beta... R u..naway..... With mahi....and... Your...... Brother..... Go.. Beta ( dead)
Rohit - Papaaaaa. ( crying)
Mahi - rohit let go from here before they come. (  trying to control his tear)
They all run away to their uncle house .
Author -  now let me clear you the whole Story
The story - Miss sharma was dead because of she was having cancer and that time all the child was small so no one get the love of their mother. So Mr sharma thought to keep a Nanny for them . The took care of them but after 1months the nanny became evil and start torturing them and when mr sharma got to know he kill her. Than he start staying at home to keep his children happy. That time there was two mafia gang which was going great and famous and that was Mr Kholi gang and Mr Sharma gang this two gang never fight with each other they mind there own business but between this to gang there was another gang name Mr Gambhir gang.
This gang was jealous of Kholi and Sharam gang and want to kill this gang but they knows that they can't so planned to create miss understanding between kholi and sharma gang . And there planned successful work and between this misunderstanding gambhir kill Mr kholi and Miss kholi and Mr sharma and they everyone thought that Mr sharma have kill mr kholi and his wife and than kholi other member kill Mr sharma but mahi and rohit got to know the truth so rohit kill Mr Gambhir . So that why Gautam want to take revenge and start blackmailing rohit. But now rohit brother caught him.
The story ends.
Rohit come in the basement where they are were beating gautam.
Shreyas - here bhai kill this mc ( gave the gun to rohit)
Rohit - ( take the gun and keep it in the table ) no I don't want to kill him.
Hardik - so what you want to do with him.
Rohit - he should get the most painful death because for him I hurt my love.
Mahi - done don't worry he will get it.
Shubman - bhai I think you should go and clear the misunderstanding between you and virat.
Rohit - hmm I'm going to clear everything tomorrow morning.
( author - the story which you read about rohit and virat and mahi and jaddu that was one day before so I hope no confusion come here).

At morning
Kholi brother already left for London.
Rohit and there brother arrived at virat house.

Rohit - ( press the bell for the 3rd time) why he is coming.
Shreyas - maybe they are sleeping.
Hardik - yes we come at 6:00 of morning.
Virat neighbors - arey whom are you waiting for.
Shubman - virat and his brother.
Neighbors - they already left.
Rohit - ( flowers bouquet fall from his hand which he bought for virat) what.
Shreyas - where did they go do you know.
Neighbor - sorry but I don't know but I saw them leaving with there things at 5:00 am.
Hardik - ( calling surya but it said busy) he blocked me ( said in crack voice.
Shreyas also try to call rahul but same thing happened.
Shubman also try but failed.
Rohit knows that he also get blocked so he direct call his hacker and told him to find out where they are.
Hardik call mahi and told him everything.
The mafia try every possible thing they can do but still they didn't find their love. Now they were sitting in their house quietly.
Shreyas - why why WHY he did that ( throw a glass at the floor angrily)
Hardik - they don't even let us to explain them ( said angrily)
Shubman - what they think that they only love we didn't we are mafia that doesn't mean we don't have heart that doesn't mean we don't have feelings ( said angrily)
Rohit and mahi was sitting quietly there.
Rohit - I will not loose my hope bhai.
Mahi - don't I will also will not loose my hope.
Shreyas in mind - no senorita you did a big mistake just meet me I only show you my sweet side that doesn't mean I will let you go I will find you and than you will see my worst side senorita.
Hardik in mind - you did a very wrong mistake kitten I will find you and than if I don't make you regret of your decision than my name is also not Hardik Sharma.
Shubman in mind - na sweetheart run  run as much you can but if I find you out na than no one can be bad more than me sweetheart I will make you mine and than you will feel that why you run away.
Rohit in mind - please come back virat your rohit need you angel please come back and let me explain for one time angel please angel come back.
Mahi in mind - it was not right princess what you did it wasn't right atleast you should let me explain to you but still I will not loose my hope I will find you out and make you mine princess.....

..............This chapter ends here...............
After 6 year later
- hey boy be careful .
- sorrie I didn't saw you ( said cutely)
- where is your mummy child.
- there ( point towards a man)
- virat bhabhi ( windened eyes)

Author pov
Hii double update for you guys.
See I compete your wish you ask me to update soon so I did like superwoman so now u also complete my wish I want 15 comment in this chapter okie so please do it ( puppy eyes) okie byie byie good night.
Vote and comment.
15comment should come atleast.

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