Chapter -20

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The boy: You?

Anders: You?

He comes near and picked up the flok from the floor and give it to Anders.

The boy: Oops....You dropped it.

Anders: (Take it) Thanks.

He grabs a chair and seats in front of Anders.They glance at each other and she looks away.

Ani: Did you guys know each other?

Anders: No! I mistaken him by thinking someone.

The boy: same.

Ani: Oh!

Anders: What the hell! what the hell!Why on this earth he has to become his son.Why???! The earth must hate me!(In mind) (Sighed)

Mrs.wilson: How are you? And What's your name?

The boy:Hello Aunty, I'm Alex,Alex Anderson.

Anders: Why I didn't get to know his surname?!(In mind) (Frustrated)

Mrs.Wilson: Nice name, you must be hungry let's eat now.

Mrs.Anderson: Look she is Anders , first I thought you two know each other by your looks anyway she is in first year and she is so...fine. She give off Lexi's vibe..You can say I found my new Lexi !!

Alex: Seriously mom you're still not over that girl.

Anders: Who is Lexi?

Alex: Jack's ex and a actress.

Anders: I didn't ask you .

Alex: I also didn't told you.

Ms.wilson: You were looking so shocked Alex when you enter....why?
Alex: No I wasn't.

Mrs.Anderson: You see who doesn't get shocked after seeing Anders beauty.

Alex: Mom!

Mrs.Anderson: I like her , Isn't she beautiful?

Alex: (sigh)(Looks at Anders)

Anders give him a dead glare.They all continue eating. Anders and Alex pick the same food,Alex Let it go for her.Alex was eating and staring at her.

Alex: What the heak?! She is the daughter of Ms.wilson?How?!! Her surname is  Wilson, shit! Why I didn't get to know earlier.... It's mean she don't have her father ..... damnit I misbehave with her ...not misbehave kinda bullying.(In mind)

Mr and Mrs Anderson also Ms.wilson noticed Alex to staring at Anders they three of them clear their throats.
Mrs.Wilson: So...which year you are in Alex?

Alex: 4th year.

Ms.wilson: Oh,You look much younger than your actually age.

Alex: Everyone says.

They finish their eating and the elders were gossiping about something.Mr.Anderson send the children's to the balcony location a bit far from their table.The three of them were silent.Ani break it and says -

Ani: You are that girl, right? Who fought with Stacy that day?
Anders:(Takes a deep breath) Yes!
Ani: I knew it, I knew it was you. I'm your big fan Anders!(Jumping)
Anders: Fan?
Ani: Yes,Fan I fell in love with you. You did the right thing. Stacy deserves it. Everyone heats her!
Anders:(sigh) I don't wanna remember that I feel guilty.
Alex: Why? You did the right thing.
Anders: Still....
Ani: You guys do know each other right?
Anders: Not so well.... I'm friends with his friends.
Ani: But not with him, Wow fantastic!!!(Clapping+laughing) Good! Don't get friends with him,he is a monkey.
Alex: And you are a witch!
Anders: Donkey suites him better.

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