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The other students watched with bated breath, waiting for Alex to unleash his usual brand of coldness and arrogance upon the unsuspecting newcomer. But to their surprise, Alex merely exchanged a few words with Olivia before finding another seat nearby, leaving her alone.

A murmur of surprise rippled through the classroom as the students exchanged bewildered glances. This wasn't the reaction they had expected from Alex, the notorious heartthrob who had never shown kindness to anyone outside his circle of friends.

At the other side of the classroom, Beatrice, the queen bee of Greenfield Academy , watched with growing frustration as Alex's interaction with Olivia unfolded. She had harbored a secret crush on Alex for years, hoping that one day he would notice her above all others. But seeing him treat Olivia with such unexpected kindness ignited a fire of jealousy within her.

As the whispers of surprise and shock filled the air, Beatrice's jealousy simmered beneath the surface, fueling her determination to win Alex's affections at any cost. Little did she know, the arrival of Olivia would set off a chain of events that would challenge the status quo of Greenfield Academy and ultimately change the lives of everyone involved.

As the lunch period at Greenfield Academy began, students flooded into the bustling cafeteria, eager to grab a bite to eat and catch up with friends.

As Olivia made her way through the crowded cafeteria, carrying her tray of food, she was suddenly jolted by the sensation of cold juice soaking through her shirt. Shocked, she turned to see Beatrice standing nearby, a smug smirk playing on her lips.

"Oops, my bad," Beatrice said with faux innocence, her eyes gleaming with malice as she pretended to mop up the spilled juice. "I didn't see you there, Olivia. Sorry about that."

Olivia's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as the other students nearby exchanged knowing glances. But before she could say anything, her attention was drawn to the corner of the cafeteria, where Alex sat with his friends Noah and Paul.

Beatrice's eyes followed Olivia's gaze, and in an instant, her expression morphed into one of contrived remorse. With a dramatic sigh, she approached Alex's table, her voice dripping with false sincerity.

"Alex, I'm so sorry about what happened," Beatrice said, her tone laced with feigned regret. "Olivia just came out of nowhere, and I accidentally spilled my juice on her. I feel terrible about it."

Alex raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between Beatrice and Olivia. He had always been wary of Beatrice's manipulative ways, and something about her apology didn't sit right with him.

Meanwhile, Olivia stood frozen, her heart sinking as Beatrice twisted the truth to suit her own agenda. She knew she should speak up and defend herself, but the weight of Beatrice's influence and the fear of alienating herself from the rest of the student body kept her silent.

As the cafeteria buzzed with gossip and speculation, Alex's suspicions about Beatrice's true intentions deepened. And as he exchanged a meaningful glance with Olivia across the room, he silently vowed to uncover the truth behind Beatrice's deception and put an end to her reign of manipulation once and for all.


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