Chapter 3: Haunted

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Eight hours until dawn.

The old spirit board was placed at the center of the table with Marlon, Louis and Gabe surrounding it. The area was dark, only dimly lit by a weak candle placed near the board. The pointer stayed at the center of the board, the boys reading the instructions on how to supposedly 'contact the dead' with it.

"So, it says here," Louis read, "that 'in order to communicate with the spirit world, you must free yourself of all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions, and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the whims of the spirit master' -which is me--"

"Yeah, it doesn't say that." Marlon objected.

"...and all present shall remove their garments at my sole discretion-" Louis continued. Gabe looked mildly annoyed, "

Come on, Louis. This is serious." he said. "Oh, I'm deadly serious." Louis insisted with a teasing smile.

"Oh, shush. Let's do this." Marlon beckoned and shuffled closer to the spirit board, the other two following suit, Gabe nodding. One by one, they place their index fingers on the pointer, resting them gently so they wouldn't apply any force to prevent any spirits from moving the pointer.

"Alright, let's see what happens. Marlon, since you're a recent convert, how about you be our medium for today?" 

Marlon took a short breath, "Okay." he said to himself. After a brief period of silence, he looked up. "Uh, is anyone there? Will you reveal yourself...or us if you're there?" he said as he tried to be serious. To their collective surprise, the pointer slowly started to shift across the board.

"Wait a minute-" Louis said. He hadn't moved his hand, yet the pointer had glided across the board in front of him. "Did you do that?" Gabe accused Louis. Louis shrugged,

"No, I didn't. Did you?" he asked Marlon, who also shrugged and answered with total honesty, "I didn't do anything!"

The pointer started to shift again, Louis looking back at the board with great interest, "It's moving again!" The pointer moved slowly and rested over one of the letters. "H..." Marlon read. "What's it spelling?" Gabe asked with curiosity. "Hold on." Marlon replied, waiting for the pointer to move. The pointer shifted to rest over the letter 'E', then 'L'. "Are you moving it...?" Louis asked in disbelief. "No, I swear to god, it's just moving, man." Marlon answered wide-eyed. Gabe kept his eyes on the board and watched it move around in silence. The pointer moved to the final letter in the word, 'P'. 

"'Help?'" Marlon read skeptically.

"Holy shit." Gabe said with unclear angst.

"...How are we supposed to help?" Louis questioned.

Marlon shrugged, "I don't know." Louis looked at the board, and then back at Marlon, "Maybe we should know who's asking us for help." he suggested.

Marlon took another breath, this one slightly deeper, and looked back up. "Who, uh...needs help? Who are you?" The pointer moved across the board once more.

"Whoa..." Gabe uttered. The pointer hovered over the letters 'W','A','R', "'War...?'" Louis tried to read, when he was shushed by Marlon. The pointer continued to move over the final letters 'N', 'I', 'N', 'G'. "'Warning'", Marlon read, his suspicion growing. "Shit." Gabe cursed. He looked scared, Marlon couldn't believe his eyes, and Louis was only starting to believe. "I think we really have to find out who's communicating with us..." he suggested again. Marlon looked back up at the ceiling to continue communicating, "What are you warning us about?" he clarified. The pointer moved once more and started to hover over an ominous and alarming set of letters that ultimately spelled; "'Sister'

[AU] Until Dawn x Telltale's The Walking Dead TFSWhere stories live. Discover now