2. Unfortunate event.

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"Okay class, sit down. I'm gonna arrange the teams for this proyect."

Mrs. Brown spoke up at the start of 2nd period. It was 9:06 and everyone was still groggy from being awake till midnight last night.

Dixon was leaning on his desk, his head hiden in his folded arms as he groaned to himself. He fluttered his eyes open as he looked at the teacher, who was giving out the names of the pairs.

"Blair, Kevin."

"Barbara, Clair."

The teacher would name.

"Fuck history..." Dixon muttered, glancing around the room, before his ears perked up at the mention of his name.

"Dixon, Carter."


*That* guy?

Dixon glared at those brown eyes that found him as well, *those* brown eyes he despised.

Carter was looking back straight at him, he looked rather nervous, noticing the hard stare Dixon was giving him. He smiled softly and waved at him, hoping to ease his anger.

Dixon just scoffed, he wasn't in the mood for trying to EVEN acknowledge him at the moment. With a scowl on his face, he looked away, acting uninterested.

Why did it have to be him? Heck, he'd even accept working with the cholo of the class, he'd do all the damn work if it meant staying far from Carter.

But know, they had to work together, and Carter was standing straight in front of him at the end of the class, phone in his hands.

"H-hey. Dixon, right?" He asked, quietly. This guy didn't even know who he was, dammit.

"..yes." Dixon replied coldly, putting his things in his backpack to try and get out of that class as fast as he could.

"Right, so uhm, since we're in this proyect together, I thought, maybe, we could exchange phone numbers and stay in contact, maybe one day see eachother somewhere for the proyect?"

Carter continued, his eyes constantly darting around the numerous students that were stepping out of the door.

Dixon was about to answer him with a snarky comment, when an idea crossed his mind.

Well, since he was going to be working with this laid back dumbass for the next month, why not have some fun with him in the process? Millions of opportunities for pranks, and endless fun.

He smirked at him, with a smug expression on his face before he nodded. "Sure." He hummed, watching as the other's boy face relaxed, seeming more calm with him.

"Listen well. It's 555-728-9292." (please don't call that number, I just put random numbers.)

Carter nodded slowly, putting in the numbers in his cellphone. He sighed in relaxement, before he smiled at him.

"Alright, thanks. Text ya later."

He said innocently before walking out of the classroom. Dixon watched him walk away, biting his tongue to stiffle a giggle.

"My, oh my." He thought. "This twink is going to TEXT a pizzeria place thinking it's me."

A stupid prank, he knew it, but it was a good one to break the ice and start getting comfortable with harassing this poor kid.

"I'm gonna have so much fun." He snickered to himself, before throwing his backpack behind his shoulder and walking outside the room as well.

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