6. Cupid, please don't do your work today.

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Sitting in the cozy atmosphere of a new home, Dixon was sitting back into a kitchen chair, rocking back and forth while Carter was silently cursing to himself, typing swiftly an idea into the powerpoint presentation, and inmediatly erasing it.

"Do ya have any chips or something?"

Dixon asked, breaking the quiet solace that they were in. Like hell he was going to work in the project. He figured, since Carter was alredy working on it, he could lay back and do nothing.


The other boy said, before lifting his gaze from the computer and looking at the black haired.

"Would you mind helping me out here? Adolf Hitler didn't do his job alone, why am I supposed to do it?"

He huffed, looking at Dixon while he had an arm on the table.

"Because you were the one that started it, besides, I.. can, not do nothing."

"You just contradicted yourself."

"Shut up."

Dixon slumped back into his chair, crossing his arms and looking away with a frown. "I didn't wanna work with you, I have the right to not do anything."

"Sure you have the right but I swear to god if you don't do anything I'm exposing you. I'm gonna make a whole damn slide talking about how you didn't do shit."

"Ooh bohoo, look how much I'm crying about it."

"The project is 40% of out grade."


Fucking hell. How was he going to reason with that point?

"Fine." He gruffly groaned, straightening himself up in his chair and leaning in to see the monitor of the computer.

(AN: Noticed the joke? Pls oh god straight, you know, he isn't really?? Oh god why am I doing this)

He reached out to get a hold of the puter', before a flitch of electricity coursed through his hand, noticing he accidentally grazed Carter's hand.

The contact...that little feeling. What? Couldn't be.


Carter yelled at him as he touched the stinging pain in his cheek, groaning. Dixon froze as he looked down at his hand, coming back to his senses. "You deserved that slap. That's what you get for giving me a shock."

He whispered. His voice was..wavery? What was this feeling..? No, no, it couldn't be. It was..the same feeling he felt when he met his girlfriend. What?! No. No. No.

What the hell is his problem...

Carter thought, moving his jaw slightly to crack it, grunting. What the hell was Dixon's problem?! He knew that he hated him, but come on, a slight touch and he gets a slap in the face because of that?

That is, until he noticed the small waver in his voice, and even..a small red hue ok his cheeks?..

"Fuck you."

He dismissed it. He stood up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving him alone for some moments as he looked for a bit of fresh air. He didn't want to inmediatly punch him back and possibly start a fight.

That red blush. A small smile cracked on his face and he laughed, man, that sight was something.

Meanwhile, Dixon was having an absolte breakdown in the kitchen. Did the jolt make his heart skip a beat? Yeah, that was probably it.

But why did he felt giddy, almost..excited him? Oh hoho no. No. He must have just thought it was funny to slap Carter.

That was it. Definitely.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He needed some time to himself. But sadly, not for long, since Carter came back into the room.

"Hey... Mind explaining?"

He raises an eyebrow, giving him a semi-hard glare to lure him into explaining.

Dixon was looking at him with an uncertain look on his face, lost in thought. His mind was going rampant, he was..mesmerized, by how Carter looked, with that bruise on his cheek and the bag of ice on top of it.

Dang it, what was happening to him?

He stuttered, trying to find any words to say or ramble about, before he snapped out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I do mind. Just..come over here and keep doing the work for all I know."

Crossing his arms and leaning back into his seat, he looked away from Carter as the lattest walked back to his seat and resumed typing on the computer.

But now Dixon was distracted.

Shit, now this was gonna be difficult...

(AN: omg I'm sorry I haven't posted regularly now nowadays, I'm fucking lazy and some aliens abducted me so I couldn't write for some weeks, months, I don't know how much has passed, lmao.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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