5. We need to talk.

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"God fucking d-!"

Dixon panted. Being dragged out by the person you hate, and you struggling back, isn't exactly where you would want to be after school on a lovely Wednesday.

"What the hell is your problem?!"

Carter shushed him, his grip on his wrist tight as he turned his head back at him, his other hand over his mouth. "I know today you are free, so we're going to my house to do the proyect!"

He said almost excitedly, his lips curling into a small smile as Dixon kept trying to get his hand off of him, his skin touching his felt..weird. He huffed loudly and rolled his eyes. "I have a lot of homework."

Trying to make up an excuse he pulled his hand away, rubbing it with his other.

Carter tilted his head. "Please, we take three classes together and in none of them they left homework. And sure as hell I could ask Sean what homeworks you have."

"W- you know Sean?!" Dixon gasped in disbelief, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.


God dammit, how was he suppossed to hide if Sean was one of his closest friends? He sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck. "What do you want from me?.." he asked lowly, as if thinking he wanted to rob him or beat him up.

"I don't want anything, you're coming to my house to start the proyect."



"Yeah! We have two weeks left, man, we gotta start alredy!"

Fuck this guy...

"I'm not going to any house."

"We gotta present it to the class, so either way, you're gonna have to come to my house."

"Can't we do a power point presentation?"

"No..we gotta make a poster..."

Dixon groaned, Carter just looked at him with dissaproval in his face. He rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers in front of his face.

"Look, Dixon. I don't know what beef you have with me, or just what you hate about me, BUT COME ON. Just...try and behave for the time we have to make the proyect?.."

Carter pleaded, almost as if he was begging him to appear buddy buddy with him. "Fine." he murmured.

"Yes!" Carter whispered to himself, before grabbing his shoulder and dragging him back to his house.

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