3. It was inevitable.

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"Ha! That dickhead fell for it! If he was smart he would have ordered a pizza while at it!"

Dixon laughed at his friend group, covering his mouth with his hand, his eyes getting slightly wet.


One of his friends said.

Dixon looked up and made an 'eh?' sound, confused as to why his friends weren't exactly laughing at what he did.

"We know that maybe, a tad bit, you don't like Carter, but come on man, do you really had to do that? He's just tryna get his proyect done, he has done no harm to you, man."

He commented, a bit concerned, while Dixon just scoffed and crossed his arms, why didn't his friends find the fun in that? He rolled his eyes.

"It's no big deal, besides, in aaaany case," he said with exaggeration. "It's just a phone number, we can just meet up anywhere, I don't want to have the number of a dumb person in my phone!"

"He does get better grades than you."

Dixon grumbled. "Whatever, I alredy said it's no big deal, I'll talk to him eventually."

He scowled, standing up from his seat. Bad idea, he managed to catch a glimpse of a light brown hair, and some brown eyes.


"Hey, Dixon?" Carter called out to him, stepping a bit closer to him.

"Yeah.." he mumbled in response, anger evident in his voice.

"I think you gave me the wrong number, it texted to a pizza place..?" He continued, showing him the screen on his phone, showing the contact of a pizzeria.

"Did I get any number wrong?" He asked, letting out a tiny sigh.

"No, no you didn't."

Dixon muttered, rubbing his eyes. "It was a prank. I gave you the wrong number intentionally."

He explained, pointing to his head, as if telling him it was something obvious or something. And the revelation obviously annoyed Carter.

He tightened his grip on his cellphone, holding his clear anger.

"Ah." He simply replied, smiling and shrugging it off. It wouldn't be the first time someone did something like that to him anyway.

"Well, can you give me your number? I don't really have a craving for pizza right now." He joked, which just got a groan from Dixon.

His friends were watching the interaction happen right before their eyes, and one of them kicked his ankle subtly, to tell him to at least tolerate him.

"Fine." Dixon finally sighed, taking out the phone from his pocket, showing him his WhatsApp profile.

Carter took some moments to type in the numbers, after that nodding at him and smiling. "Alright, thanks."

He walked off, and Dixon's friends shot him a look. "Was that hard to do?" One asked, tilting his head slightly to tease him.

"Shut up." He grumbled, sitting back down on the chair.


The rest of the day happened normally. Last period ended at 2:00 pm, the students sighing in relief at the sound of the bell ringing, a melodic sound after what they thought was a nightmare at the start of the day.

Hoards of young people walked outside their classrooms, some to their lockers, some outside the highschool.

Dixon was one of the many students following their path, checking his cellphone, scrolling through his messages with his mom.

A hand was placed on his shoulder, and he turned his head around to be met with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Dix~"

His girlfriend spoke up, Victora. She was a rather pretty girl and he felt so lucky to have her. He kissed her cheek back and smiled softly, she could drift his hatred for Carter in a blink of an eye.


He murmured softly, caressing her hair. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to say hi."

"Hm, reaaaally? You don't fool me, love."

Dixon said, pushing her away playfully, getting a laugh out of her. "Well, yes, I guess I do have something to tell you.."

Dixon tilted his head slightly, raising an eyebrow. He thought it was something bad. "Well,spit it out alredy." He said impatently.

"It's not something bad, you know those emotional episodes of insecurity I have." She explained, shrugging and looking away.

Dixon breathed out in relief, chuckling.

"Well, what pure words do you have to tell me today?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Well, just...if you..ever, meet.. someone else, tell me. I'd rather let you leave than try and change something that you can't control."

Dixon's eyes widened considerably, a stab in his heart hearing those words. "Wha-"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"What? No."

"Did you find someone else yourself?"


"Do you want to break up with me!?"

"No goddamit! No!" Victoria exclaimed, stopping in her tracks. She sighed and looked back at Dixon, a soft look in her eyes as she explained her words to him.

"No, you didn't do something wrong, I didn't find someone else, I don't wanna break up with you. It's just, you know, you know that highschool relationship almost never work out and will eventually...die out?"

She said, her voice fading as she continued to talk. "I've been hearing a lot of my friends break up with the people they considered the 'love of their life', and I'm..just...afraid that it'll happen to us too." She concluded, her head hanging low as he let out a sad sigh.

"Victoria.." Dixon whispered, taking her hand in his. "I will NEVER. Break up with you. I love you more than I love myself and I would never do such thing as harm your feelings, in any case, it should be me who would tell you that if you ever find someone else, you can tell me, no fear. I'll be glad to know that there is someone that can potentially love and make you happier better than I can."

He reached his hand out to cup the side of Victoria's face, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "Promise?"

She looked up at him with a light in her eyes, probably since hearing those words meant some sort of security and comfort to her. "Promise."

"Go on then." Dixon said to her in a playful manner, trying to ease the past seriousness and love in his words by giving her a playful slap on the back. "Your friends are probably waiting-" He tilted his head, smiling a bit. 

"Yeah.." She replied, wipping a little tear from her eye. "See ya." 

She then walked away, leaving Dixon by himself.

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