4. Carter.

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(AN: omg so sorry for not posting yesterday I had no idea what to write and I didn't finish the chapter-)

The sound of the phone alarm slowly drifted him off his sleep, fluttering his eyes open as he let out a long yawn to wake himself up.

He slowly sat up in his bed, his hands moving to his eyes, rubbing them.

"Honey, are you awake?" A voice downstairs yelled, snapping Carter out of his thoughts.

"Yes, mom!" He yelled back, his voice groggy and weak, one foot on the floor, then the other.

He hated mornings. He glanced at his clock. 5:07. God he hated living far from school. He stood up and walked out of his room, stepping into the bathroom. Opening the tap, he splashed some water into his face, getting rid of his gunks, and fully waking up.

He looked into the mirror for some moments, contemplating life.

And Dixon.

He didn't understand what problem this guy had with him. He acted awfully rude towards him, so snarky and almost aggresive...Heck, Carter thought. I didn't even know that guy existed. He ran into his thoughts for a moment.

'I guess he was also in my P.E. class with Mr. Smith. And my biology class.'

Damn this guy was everywhere, he just never took the time to acknowledge him. And now he had a proyect with him, and it was going to be hell because Dixon wasn't cooperating. He sighed as he closed the tap, grabbing a towel and drying his face up. He combed his hair with his hands and went back to his bedroom.

Picking out a casual outfit and putting it on, he walked downstairs, where his mom was talking on the phone while making breakfast. She just signaled with a nod of her head to the plate of food that was alredy on the table, and Carter sat down.

He listened to his mom talk something about her work or something like that, he didn't give it a second thought. It was a normal day anywway. He quietly ate the toast that was on his plate, and his eggs, (AN: yes, I know, original) and drank his milk.

He stood up and brushed his teeth, before rushing to give his mom a quick peck on her cheek before he grabbed his backpack, and stepped out of his house.

It was a nice sunny morning. Morning? Well, you could say that, I guess. It was 5:48 and he had to take three buses to go to school. He walked to the bus station, the chilly breeze and the sun that was just starting to appear in the horizon hitting him in the eyes and burning them.

When he finally arrived, he sat down on the bench to wait for the bus. He took out his phone and scrolled down ig, looking at the photos people uploaded with their friends. That's nice, he hoped he got that one day.

After some few good 10 minutes, he caught a glance of his (first) bus, standing up from the bench and waiting for its full stop, climbing up on it as soon as the doors opened.

The trip to school was peaceful, quiet. The sun was slowly rising up the sky, filling it with a nice orange-y color. The bus had few people in it and the treed passing through the window added to the calm atmosphere.

A good two hours later, around 7:35, the third bus finally arrived to his stop. Carter got off and made his way to the school, just some 5 minutes from the stop. Damn was he tired. Those missing sleep hours would definitely affect him later in his life.

Making his way to his first class, the first thing he noticed when he entered was none other than Dixon. That grumpy look on his face as he noticed him as well.


Carter sighed and walked over to him, smiling weakly.

"Heyy..did you get my text yesterday?.."

He asked quietly, rubbing the back of his head.

"...yes." Dixon muttered after some few seconds, his arms crossed as he avoided eye contact with him.

"So...when are you available to see eachother? Maybe saturday.." he offered, shrugging, as he looked down at the floor for a moment.

"Saturday I'm busy. Maybe next week."


This guy. If he had the same excuse next week then they'd probably fail the subject. He groaned.

"And sunday?"


"Next saturday?.."


I'll think about it."

What the hell do you mean by THINK ABOUT IT?! Carter was feeling himself lightheaded from the annoyance. It's not that you wanted to, more like you need to! Dumbass.

"Alright...just hit me up when you are available."


Dixon just hummed. Damn this guy.

He walked away, sitting down on his own seat.


What was the deal with this guy..

...was getting to know him more a bad idea?..he was starting to get curious about this "Dixon" situation...

Stalking is better.

Back in his home, laying down on his bed after succesfully doing all his homework, Carter was serching through social media if he knew someone that would hang out with Dixon.



Hey, it's Sean.

Let's see, who he follows...

D1xon_xX (AN: fake username!!!)

There he was...

Il my gf <3

Huh, he had a partner? Sweet.

He checked the pictures he had. It was a normal account, just photos of himself, his girlfriend, his pet...

Welp, not much he could get out of this. He didn't seem like the type of guy that'd like the things he liked. Damn, how was he supposed to get close to this guy?


He'd find something. He had to.

It was for the sake of the proyect.

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