A New Experience

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"Well it has been very nice having you here, Nikolai." Otto gave me his signature, slimy smile...Not a good descriptor but eh.

"It was nice being here, minus the testing." Funny how testing was the only thing Otto was involved with...

"Be more respectful to the Overseer, Nikky." Rita has taken to calling me that dumb nickname which doesn't fit at all.

"Okay." Durandal walks up to me, I walk around her to use her to block the sun that was in my eyes. Her imposing figure was rather handy.

"It was nice meeting you even if it was a rather short time. I hope to meet you again, Nikolai." Her smile...Damn evil woman with their warm smiles...I almost hate how much they warm me.


The Nightmare from back in the bath was unfortunately the only thing on my mind. Till Rita and Durandal took to giving me a goodbye hug.


God their hugs are tight!


The two despicably mischievous fiends just giggled and let me breath at last.

"Alright, now get going." They said it at the same time, and it was undoubtedly more serious.

The sudden shift of tone was sudden but unfortunately something I was used to, but not from them. It didn't bother me...The entire building reeked of Evil. Not so pungent as my old home, and I'm certain at least half of all of it came from Mr. Apocalypse over there...

"Okay, and stay alive for me, p-please." I don't know what came over me, but I keep getting Flashbacks to Fyo, Ethan, and Frid, whenever I see someone like them...So strong, so corrupted yet can still make me feel so warm...

"Don't worry about your Perfect Maid, boy." Rita and Durandal gave me a light push onto the Airship that would take me to my new home...Scary.

I open my backpack that holds all my important things; cream puffs put specifically at the top to ensure they didn't get crushed. Opening the bag I find them A-Okay and not crushed by the hug.

"Thank goodness..."

"Hey, are you ready to go kid?" The Pilot's voice brought me out my worried state.

"Yes...We're going to some...School right?" I couldn't help but be scared...What if-

"That's right, St. Freya Highschool. Valkyrie's train and learn there." The Pilot seemed like a big fan of that place...

He started up the Airship

"Oh...Okay...Aren't Valkyrie's scary to you..?" How could you not be afraid of them? There were tons at my Old Home and non of them were good...

"What? No! Valkyrie's defeat the Honkai, as long as you stay out of trouble, Valkyrie's are kind people!" He was very enthusiastic about this...

"But...What would you do if one tried to hurt you?"


"What if a Valkyrie wanted to hurt you? What would you even be able to do as a Normal Person..?"


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