"Your sisters?"

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Skye and Simmons are sister and no one knows except May. Credit goes to 'Idea'

Simmons' point of view

Here I am standing in mine and Fitz lab feeling so confused as to how this is possible, I mean it has to be, right? I am quite sure that highly praised technology from shields' most advanced programmes would give an inadequate answer.

It all started when Coulson asked me to run Skye's DNA through a shield database so we could try and find her parents, which I of course agreed.

It was just a routine DNA test at first and I enjoyed making sure the equipment was clean and getting the sample ready to be processed, but then when I found the results I grew confused and ashamedly angry.

The results were in my hand as I stared down at them, my breathing shakily coming out while my knees felt weak.

I turned behind me while stretching my arm out and pulled a stool from behind to sit on. I brought my head up to look straight forward and took in a deep breath with my eyes closed, before resizing the breath and opening my eyes before looking back down at the paper.

It was true Daisy Skylar Johnson (which was the name on the official government document) was my biological sister and my fathers daughter.

I must have sat there for a few minutes, I was lost in thought until an abrupt hand laid upon my arm out of nowhere made me jump out of fear and if I wasn't alert enough I might have also screamed.

I turned to see May standing behind me with shock swirling in her eyes making me realize she has seen the results.

"Come on Jemma we have to tell her"

She says making me nod in agreement before standing to follow her.

We walked towards Skye's room before knocking when we arrived.

She opened the door while yawning indicating that she had been taking a nap.

"What needs hacking?"

She asks us before May responds.

"Nothing, Skye may we come in?, we need to tell you something"

She says making Skye move out of the way so we can enter.

We walk in and make our way towards the bed before we sit on one side while Skye, my sister, sits on the other.

"What do you need to tell me?"

She asks, looking at me for the first time since we arrived.

"Well it is about your birth parents"

May says divert Skye's attention back to her.

"You found them?"

She asks with a shock of disbelief.

"Simmons found them i just thought it should be direct so i came to help tell you"

She tells Skye making my sister nod, she looks at me with a genuine soft smile that is filled with happiness.

"Thank you Jemma"

She says to me before I respond.

"It is ok"

I say before starting to speak again.


I said nervously

"You are my biological sister"

I said making May glare at me and Skye go quiet while staring at me with a shocked expression.


Skye's point of view

Outside Simmons' fathers house

After I received the shock of my life and I got through my shock I asked Simmons why I was abandoned, to which she didn't know but that she would find out.

A Few days later she came banging on my door stating that our father didn't know I existed but wanted to meet me.

I agreed as long as May was there with us and Simmons went off to make arrangements.

And now a few hours later Simmons, myself and May stood outside of his house waiting for him to open the front door after May knocked on it.

The door swings open to reveal a middle aged may to which Simmons squealed and jumped towards him making the man catch her with a smile before saying.

"Hello baby"

Before he looked at me and may before settling his eyes on me and saying.

"Hello you must be Skye, and you May, please come in"

He says politely allowing us into his home before guiding us to his living room.

We sit down while he asks us what we want to drink before he goes to make them.

When he returns he sits down handing them out before saying.

"You must have questions and to be honest so do i but how about i answer your first?"

He says to which I respond.

"I think i should answer yours since you dont know a thing about me"

To which May said that it would make sense and he agreed before asking his first one.

"Where did you grow up?"

She asked.

"An orphanage run by Nuns"

I said truthfully which made May snort out of amusement.

"Were they nice to you?"

He asked me with an Ora of curiosity.

"Not even a little, to be honest"

I say making him nod in acceptance and then asking his next one.

"How did you get involved with shield?"

To which i said.

"I hacked them and they found me"

My answer made him burst out laughing.

"Simmons did something similar, she blew up our garage.

He explained making me and May look towards Simmons with looks of surprise and amusement, she was blushing a deep red.

"May I ask you some questions now?"

I ask him while he nods in agreement.

"Of course you can," He says.

"Did you really not know about me?"

I ask him, making him nod.

"I had no clue at all"

He responded before I nodded and said.


With a smile upon my face I settled back into the couch While getting comfortable, while getting ready for more questions to be exchanged between the two of us.

The End

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