Skye and Victoria

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Summary - what would happen if Skye was a red room agent and she escaped and was found by agent Hand.

Victoria Hands point of view

I was walking from the parking lot towards my apartment when I saw a silhouette disappear around the back of my living complex in a suspicious manner.

I put my hand in my purse that I was carrying to grip my fingers around my gun and started to walk in the direction I saw her disappear.

I walk around the coroner to realize that whoever it was disappeared, I curse myself for letting whoever it was escape.

Taking one last look around to make sure the person was really gone and not hiding, I was about to turn around whilst putting my gun in the back of my trousers while pushing back my suit jacket when I heard a voice from behind me.

"Agent Hand"

Came a feminine voice

"I need your help"

She said making me turn and come face to face with a beautiful woman with an Asian tint to her features.

She was wearing black skinny jeans, a purple fitted top and a leather jacket over that.

I stood up straight, making myself go into an intimidating pose so I could have control over the situation and make sure this woman knows that I am not somebody who she can fool.

"With what?"

I ask her firmly with an underlying tone of seriousness to my voice.

"I need you to kill me ma'am"

She says in a dead serious manner making my grip on the dun loosen and confusion take over while sweat dropped down my brow.

"Ma'am let me take you inside and allow me to call a therapist that may help you"

I said to her holding out my hand that she flinched back like I had stabbed her.

"I am a very dangerous person and i do not wish to be the version of me who hurts others anymore"

She says to me looking me dead in the eyes, making the tension in my body intensify.

"Why do you want to die?"

I asked her.

"Because i am a widow, trained by the red room"

She says with tears pooling in her eyes,

"I can't take the killing anymore"

She says while wiping one away.

"What do you mean you are a widow?"

She responds in an honest tone.

"When Natalia betrayed us they wanted someone better, so they kidnapped me from my parents and raised me from birth to kill and be better than the black widow"

I just could control myself, there was something inside of me that wanted to protect this beautiful woman from harm.

I know what she is capable of because of Natasha also known as the black widow, but for some reason I just could not for the life of me feel afraid of her.

I take a deep breath before I step forward and grasp her hand before pulling her against me and placing my hands around her in a welcoming hug.

"I am not going to harm you, please can you tell me your name sweetheart?"

I asked her, I was momentarily left with my heart pounding as I awaited her response before I heard a small voice say.

"My name is Skye"

'Skye' what a lovely name, I thought it suited her perfectly.

I looked down at her before stepping away and taking her hand in a firm grip.

"Come in, let me get some food in you"

I said before leading her towards my home. A part of me was scolding myself for letting this highly trained assassin into my home but another part of me wanted to desperately help her.

As soon as I saw her I knew that she would be an important part of my life but I would have never guessed that it would be me mere minutes after we met that I would already want to protect her with my life.

We walked into my apartment and I told her to sit on the couch and I would make some hot chocolate to warm us up and then we could discuss what to do next.

I went to make the hot chocolate, I walked into my kitchen, letting Skye have some trust before I grabbed my kettle and brought it to my sink before flicking the lid open and filling the kettle up.

I then flipped the lid black into place before I clicked it back on before flipping it on to boil the water.

I reached into the cupboard and collected two hot chocolate glasses and went to the cupboard to get the coco powder.

I put two teaspoons of cocoa powder into both cups and went to the fridge to get the milk before the kettle told me it was done and poured the water into the mug with the cocoa powder before stirring it while simultaneously adding the milk into both.

I then put the milk back into the fridge and grabbed whipped cream while going into another cupboard to get marshmallows before walking back to the two mugs and squirting the cream in neatly and spreading marshmallows over the top.

I put everything back where it belonged before carrying the two mugs into the living room where thankfully Skye was waiting sitting on the couch while her leather jacket was across her lap where she had obviously put it after taking it off while I was preocupied.

I handed one of the mugs to her while I took a seat opposite to her on an adjacent couch before taking a sip marveling at a marshmallow that was melting on my tongue.

"So" i started "Please start from the beginning"

I told her.

"Umm, ok"

She responded hesitantly but then gained an oar of somewhat confidence.

"I was found in a village in china where everyone in the village had been killed"

She said reminding me of an 084 case file,

"And the red room found me as a baby abandoned there, they took me back to base and raised me to be the next widow, but they wanted me to be better"

She told me making me curious,

"Better how?"

I asked her,

"Enhanced , they wanted me to be unstoppable"

"Ok, how did they enhance you?" I asked.

"They put ,me through something called terragenesis which unlocked the inhuman gene"

She says before continuing.

"They also wanted me to operate alone and be able to shut down cameras so they decided to give me to hydra so they could turn a part of my brain into a computer and now i can control all electronic devices near"

"Impressive" I say "Would you consider coming to work for shield?"

I asked her which made her stop and pause for a second before saying.

"Ok, as long as you are the one who i answer to and makes decisions for me"

She says, making me nod my head in agreement before asking.


To which she responded.

"Because i trust you"

"Ok then" i said, "time for me to put things into action to make you a agent"

I said with a soft smile directed at Skye, one which thankfully she returned.

The End

Sorry for the wait and that this is sorta a short chap, next will be longer hopefully, see you next time, 14 chapters to go 👍

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