3. The meeting.

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Today is my first day working for Vox.

I've been dreading this Moment. Seeing him again, working for him.
He broke my heart yesterday morning, a heart I didn't know could be broken.
I didn't know I felt this way for him after one night. I'm crazy for feeling like this over a one night stand. But I have to put my feelings aside and be professional,
For me,
For him,
For our workers
For everyone.

It's been all over the news, people are calling me the fourth 'Vee'. I don't know if I can face Vox today without thinking about what happened in his bedroom. A part of me wishes I could relive that part of the night over and over.

Shit! Snap out of it y/n! He's technically my boss now! I frown and look in the mirror putting on some makeup.

Let's get this day over with.

I put on a white button down, a vest, and a matching skirt with the Voxtech and my company's logo on it. He shipped them to my house with a note saying "Uniform.". Yep that's all he said.

When I saw the note I desperately hoped it would an apology,
'I'm so sorry Y/N come over' type of note but the fucker just wrote one word!
I mean I get it, he's being professional. Something I don't know If im capable of doing.
But seriously! He didn't even write "dear y/n" and "from vox" what a little bitch.

Lacing up my work shoes I can't help but wonder if Vox thinks about that night. I really hope he does, because all I think about was his soft hands intertwined with mine. His lips on mine, his strong body grinding on top of mine. He was so needy.

God y/n! I think shaking my head
Get a fucking grip!


I walk through the front door of the Vees headquarters for an early morning meeting discussing the terms of my accidental partnership with Vox.
His assistant called me last night and told me to come in 2 hours early, so here I am.

I can't help but feel nervous to see him again. I have to be professional I think straightening up.
But my god, he's just so-

My thoughts are interrupted as I'm pushed to the ground by a tall moth man.

He growls and looks down, only to realize it's me, another overlord. Not one of his no good sinners. He puts on a smile.

"Well hello, y/n~" he grabs my hand pulling me off the floor and kissing my knuckles. I knew who he was. He was an another powerful overlord, owning many souls. I'm pretty sure he makes porn?

"Nice to meet you, Valentino." I respond taking my hand back and discreetly wiping it on my skirt.

"I've heard so much about you, my dear~" he says with a ligh chuckle, a big grin and a wink.

He's heard about me? Does that mean he knows about Vox and I's....
Encounter in his bedroom?

Shit! He definitely knows about it! Fuck! so much for professionalism! But I guess I threw that out the window with my shirt two nights ago. Should I deny it? Should I come clean. Well technically we didn't actually fuck! He just saw my tits and kissing my whole body and-

Calm down y/n, he might not know anything. I need to keep composure.

"Vox and Velvette are inside~" he says opening the door for me, keeping that toothy smile on his horny face. "Here you go my lady~" he says seductively, but I'm not stupid and I'm not falling for his charms.

I walk inside and there he is.
Vox. Sitting beside velvette.

Frozen at the door, not wanting to move. Looking at him brings tears to my eyes. I look up at the ceiling blinking them away.

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