1. A drunken mistake.

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this chapter contains mild sexual content and use of alcohol. readers discretion is advised.

    Y/n pov:
"Okay clock out guys come back tomorrow morning bright and early, we have to finish this project!" I say as the sun sets low in the distance.

My fingers are all cramped from writing and my brow sweating from the heat. When they call this place the firey pits of hell, they aren't lying.

I'm a powerful overlord in hell, I own millions of souls that work for my construction company c/n everyday and night. As much as having as much power as I do has its perks. It's also extremely exhausting.
I sit down onto the sidewalk infront of the part way fisnished night club before of me. God I need a break.

"Y/n ma'am are you alright?" My small assistant Ember says running to my side with a clipboard in hands. Ember has been by my side since the day that I started this company, I worked my way to the top with them with me the whole way. I owe them everything.

"I'm alright Ember just need a drink after a long day." I say my voice low and tired.

After tiring days like these you can find me at the bar pounding back shot after shot. Not a great strategy for relaxation but fuck it were in hell for gods sake.

"I'll call you a car right away Y/N, the usual place?" I nod fantasizing about sleep and relaxation.
I wait for a bit until the car comes and I'm taken to the bar.

I love this bar because it's almost like my secret place. No one ever comes here it's small and on the outskirts of town. Perfectly quiet for when I arrive.

I Sit on a bar stool and and sigh. I can already feel my self relaxing in my favourite place before the bartender starts to speak.

"The usual?" The bartender asks while cleaning a glass. "You know it." I respond.

A shot is slid towards me, and then another, and another, until the bar door flies open.
My head swings back to see who walked in. It was Vox another powerful overlord, and member of the Vee's.

"Shit."I Mutter under my breath, the last thing I want is another overlord here to interrupt my peace and quiet.

He angrily storms over to the bar demanding the strongest drink they have. " Fuck" I think to myself "tough day?".  Just like me he's pounding back drink after drink, and I can't help but stare at his glowing screen, his tailored suit, and his long legs. Something about him drew me in, it almost guided me towards him. So I followed that feeling. I scooted over stool after stool the get closer to him.

"What do you want." He mumbles, almost just as drunk as I am. "Nothing." I respond. " I was just getting sick of the seat I was in"
So smooth y/n. I smack my face out of embarrassment. What a great first impression. There is a super powerful Overlord, more powerful than me and I reply to "what do you want" with "I was getting sick of my seat." How fucking stupid!!

I decide to just let it go and continue with the conversation
"How's Vox tech?" I ask slurring  my words a little bit. "It's fine, how about your company." He says not even trying to make eye contact. How impolite!

"It's a company I guess." I chuckle drunkenly. He laughs a bit, but quickly catches himself. Another fucking stupid response! God Y/N get it together.

Wait, why am I trying so hard to impress him?
Again I let it go and carry on

He's clenching his fists and tightening his shoulders. He seems incredibly stressed, and I was dying to find out why.
"What's on your mind?" I put my hand on his shoulder tenderly, but he quickly flinches it away.
"Why do you care?" He snaps at me. Still keeping the 'no eye contact' rule.

"Okay don't tell me then." I coldly reply. He sighs deeply before beginning to speak again. "Alastor."

Oh. The radio demon. we used to work together for a bit, i just helped him out while trying to build a name for myself. He's significantly more powerful than me. He supposedly broadcasts the screams of dammed souls on his radio show, he wouldnt ever tell me the details so im not sure if that is true.
How creepy, I can understand why he is stressed about him, but why?

I order us another round of drinks, asking the bartender to put it on my tab.
"He just. Ugh drives me crazy."
I knew they were like, enemies I guess but he seems to really be affecting vox. Who knew.

"Hey, it's okay." Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, this time he doesn't flinch it away.


We laugh and have another round of drinks. We are drunk shitless. "I just need more power! You know in order to finally beat him!" He says. I think for a moment. Not clearly but enough to put an idea together. "What if we merge companies!" I suggest. "That's..." he stops " a great idea!"

We discuss the sale drunk out of our minds, I'm for sure going to regret this in the morning.

He reaches his hand out "do we have a deal?" He says confident, yet totally shitfaced.
"Deal!" I reply shaking his hand. We laugh and then silence washes over us.

I stare at him breathlessly. I can't tell if he's really fucking attractive or it's the alcohol talking but after another sip of my liquid courage I grab his face and kiss him.

He's shocked for a second but kisses me back passionately.  He grabs my waist scooting me and my bar stool closer. I melt at his touch.  His tongue slowly slides into my mouth. I moan softly, I wish this kiss would last forever. His lips are warm, perfectly human like although he is a Tv, hey I just I can mark of 'make out with a flatscreen tv' of my bingo card.

He pulls our lips apart and I pant breathlessly.

Holy shit. That was really fucking hot.

"Let's get out of here, he stumbles off the stool and guides me out the door.
And then into a car.
And then through this front door
And then to his bedroom and onto his bed.

Holy fucking shit am I about to hook up with Vox?

He pushes me down onto his soft cozy bed and grabs my face kissing me even more passionately then the last. I moan and arch my back while grinding my body against his. He does the same.
He kisses my neck leaving a trail of purple spots down to my chest. He unbuttons my top, slowly and tenderly exposing my sweaty chest.

"Fuck" he moans as he takes in the sight of my exposed body. "You're gorgeous." He says kissing my chest and all the way down to my belly. I squirm as he tries to undo my pants this time. Craving more of his enchanting lips I pull him by his collar back to my mouth. "Not yet.." I whisper
Kissing him once again.

Wait this is wrong.
I'm lying I'm in voxes bed making out with him and tomorrow he'll be my boss. But it's so good- no! I have to stop this! My mind trails back and forth before finally deciding to put an end to this pleasure.

I push him off of me panting and sweating
"What the fuck just happened!" I say through laughter. He sighs. "Fuck." He says groggily. He kisses me again and kisses my neck.

I'm frozen. I know this is wrong but I can't help but love everything second of it.
"Vox, we're too drunk." I say in between kisses. He's clinging onto my not wanting to stop. It's like our lips are Velcro.

I push him away one more time and this time he gets the memo. Cuddling up onto my chest we begin to drift asleep.

God, that was incredible.

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