Seven-Breaking Down

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Valentino smiled, looking down at Amara. "I'm glad we understand each other princesa." He cupped her chin in his hand. Amara swallowed and willed her body not to show any emotion. She was crushed that he didn't want her to see Angel anymore.

"Y-yes Val." Her voice shook slightly as she spoke. He bent down to kiss her on the forehead and it took a lot out of her not to flinch or cringe away from him.

"Mhm. Good girl. I have to go to the studio. Stay here." He let go of her chin. "You better be here when I get back." His eyes narrowed slightly. She could pick up on the subtle threat behind his tone.

"Yes Val." She replied as he let go of her.

"Buena niña. compórtate por mí mientras estoy fuera princesa." (Good girl. Behave for me while I'm gone princess.) Val released her hold on her before he sauntered away, leaving her alone in the tower.

As soon as he was gone, Amara collapsed to the floor, sinking to her knees. She held her face in her hands as the tears she'd been holding back finally spill out. She sobbed into her hands, gasping for breath as she let go of her emotions. Her body shook as she cried, overwhelmed by her fear and sadness. She looked up from her hands, tears streaming down her face as she finally realized what she had gotten herself into. She sat back against the wall as she tried to collect herself. Hugging her knees to her chest she sighed heavily.

"Oh Satan....what have I done?" She whispered out loud to herself. She took in another shaky breath before she pulled herself back together by thinking of Angel. "I'm doing this for him. Remeber? I'm doing this for Angel...he deserves to be happy. He deserves to know something other than pain." Amara reminded herself. She gathered herself and got her emotions back in check.

But yet a little voice spoke up in the back of her mind. "What about me?" She ignored that thought, shoving it back down. Ignoring her sub conscious's pleas she forced a small smile back on her face.

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