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The following morning felt like my coworkers. Dead.
Frankly getting two hours of sleep a night wasn't exactly my favourite.

Ah well. You can rest when you're dead. I thought.

But then it dawned on me, that that statement is not exactly true as it seemed. Anyway.

When we walked around the flower shop Linda seemed much better than the previous day. I waved at her through the front window and we continued on our way to school.
"You helped her, didn't you?" I asked Eugene. He seemed somewhat sad despite the happy expression on Linda's face.

"Yeah," he murmured, "I punched Sean."
"You did what?" I asked.
He just looked away shamefully.
"I mean if it got him to do what he needed to do, I suppose it's no big deal." I mused.
"River said the same thing..."
"See? So it couldn't be that bad." I laughed.
"But still!"
Eugene's face was the same colour as his hoodie.
"Trust me. If in the end everything worked out fine, there's nothing wrong." I assured him.

I was happy that he was meeting with success in the Office. Maybe I was a little envious he went with the other ghosts, but in the end I was maybe glad that it wasn't the other way around. But Boss was really...weird. It wasn't the right word but I couldn't really think of a better one. There was something about him that constantly bugged me.

Our first lesson of the day was French, so there wasn't really any reason for us to say goodbye to each other.

It was still quite early and the classroom as half empty, so i decided to finish the physics homework I had put off until the last minute and had to be done before the next period. By the time I was almost finishing up, the classroom was pretty much full.
I noticed Luke talking with Eugene. I was glad they became somewhat friends. Luke also seemed back to normal, so I supposed Eugene's actions had quite the influence on the quality of Luke's sleep.

"Joy?" I turned to the girl behind me.
"Yep? What's up girl?"
"What exactly tipped Luke into suddenly talking to Eugene?"
"I don't know. I mean Eugene seems like a pretty good guy. If you are anything alike I don't blame Luke." Joy shrugged.
"Yeah." I smiled.
"Also, have you heard about the drama in the wind section?" Joy came closer.
"I mean there's always something. I am not surprised at this point."
"Girl, this is whole another level."

Our conversation was cut short by the teacher. Unfortunate.

I didn't see Eugene for the rest of the day. We passed each other in the corridor few times and before the last period I signed to him across the hall: I'll be late, there's rehearsal after school.

I joined the orchestra last year much to Eugene's insistence. 
The auditions went terribly, at least from my perspective, but somehow I got the second violin. I couldn't complain. I must say that over the year it grew on me, and I started looking forward to each rehearsal more and more. The people there were divided into two groups. Those who created the drama like their life depended on it, and those who just watched everybody rip each other into pieces. And what fun it was.

"Psst, Adds." Kayla from the row behind me tapped on my shoulder.
"Yes?" I turned around.
"The guys from the back want me to give this to you." She handed me a piece of paper. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a piece of their sheet music. Inside I found a terrible pickup line. I wanted to die.
"Can you kindly tell them to keep their terrible pick up lines and maybe instead of hitting on girls, visit a practice room? They really need it." I smiled.
Kayla smirked and turned to the guys behind her. And the rest was history, because the conductor came. I caught Joy raising an eyebrow at me from the cello section.

On the subway home, I noticed unusual number of people waking up from their slumber with a yelp. Almost as if they've had a nightmare. There wasn't anything unusual on the fact that people slept on the train, more like the part with the nightmare. And we were inside the subway. Could it be that some monster was terrorising the mortals?

Underworld office - ver. 2Where stories live. Discover now