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Willow puts her arm on the table, resting her chin on her hand "You could've fried an egg on your face

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Willow puts her arm on the table, resting her chin on her hand "You could've fried an egg on your face. You'd better hope Creevey doesn't meet Ginny, or they'll be starting a Harry Potter fan club." Ron tells Harry. "Shut up." Harry snaps. Once everyone is seated, Lockhart clears his throat loudly and picks up Neville's copy of Travels with Trolls. Willow rolls her eyes as his portrait winks "Me, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award—but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her! I see you've all bought a complete set of my books—well done. I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about—just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in—" he tells them all, handing out some test papers. Willow looks at the paper and scoffs "You have thirty minutes—start—now!" Lockhart tells them. Willow rolls her eyes and starts 'answering' the questions.
1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color? The ghastly green he is wearing in the portrait behind him.
2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition? To be known as a pompous big head.
3. What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date? Having an ego bigger than anyone in my family.

Willow grins as she gets to the last question
54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday, and what would his ideal gift be? Who cares and a trip to the moon where he can be left.
Draco looks across and reads her answers, muffling his laughter behind his hand. Smiling Willow copies the test paper, putting it in her bag to send to her family.

Once everyone has finished, Lockhart collects the papers and rifles through them in front of the class "Tut, tut—hardly any of you remembered that my favorite color is lilac. I say so in Year with the Yeti. And a few of you need to read Wanderings with Werewolves more carefully—I clearly state in Chapter twelve that my ideal birthday gift would be harmony between all magic and non magic peoples—though I wouldn't say no to a large bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhisky!" he smiles, giving them a roguish wink. Willow bites her lip, shaking with silent laughter, Theo, Draco and Blaise doing the same "...but Miss Hermione Granger knew my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and market my own range of hair care potions—good girl! In fact—" he flipped her paper over "—full marks! Where is Miss Hermione Granger?" Lockhart asks. Hermione raises a trembling hand "Excellent! Quite excellent! Take ten points for Gryffindor! And so—to business—" Lockhart beams. Willow sighs and rest her chin on her hand, Lockhart bring out a large covered cage and placing it on his desk "Now—be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. All I ask is that you remain calm. I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them. Yes, freshly caught Cornish pixies." he smiles, pulling the cover off.

Seamus lets out a snort of laughter "Yes?" Lockhart asks. "Well, they're not—they're not very—dangerous, are they?" Seamus chokes out over his laughter. "Don't be so sure! Devilish tricky little blighters they can be!" Lockhart tells him. "For once, he's not wrong. They can be worse than Dad and I when we're having a prank war." Willow mutters. "Right, then. Let's see what you make of them!" Lockhart tells them, opening the cage. The pixies shoot in every direction, two grabbing Neville by the ears and lifting him into the air. They throw and rip books, spray ink everywhere and smash the windows. Willow glares as she sees Neville get put on the chandelier, the rest of the class cowering under their desks "Come on now—round them up, round them up, they're only pixies. Peskipiksi Pesternomi!" Lockhart says, nothing happening. One of the pixies grab his wand and throw it out the window, making him gulp and duck under his own desk "This is getting ridiculous." Willow mutters, walking to the center of the room. "What is she doing?!" Ron exclaims. "Probably fixing this nightmare." Theo responds. Willow puts her hands out in front of her "Duratus! Motus!" she exclaims, all the pixies freezing before flying back into the cage "Cincinno." she says, the cage door locking.

Looking at Neville she smiles gently "Leniter demittere." she says, Neville gently lowering to the floor. Lockhart comes out from under his desk, the rest of the class copying. Seeing how pale she is, Draco rushes to Willow's side and gently leads her to her chair "Are you alright?" Harry asks as the friends gather round her. "Yeah, just took a lot of energy. I'm still not back to full power after the spell in the summer." Willow reassures her friends. "Well done, Miss Mikaelson. Five points to Slytherin." Lockhart says, the bell going for the end of class. Everyone leaves, leaving Lockhart to clean up tree classroom. Willow leans on Draco as they walk down the corridor "Can you believe him?" Ron asks angrily. "He just wants to give us some hands-on experience." Hermione responds. "Hands on? Hermione, he didn't have a clue what he was doing-" Harry starts. "Rubbish. You've read his books—look at all those amazing things he's done-" Hermione interrupts. "He says he's done." Ron mutters. "Remus even told us that he was a dunce in school." Harry tells Hermione. "Mmm." Willow nods.

As they continue walking, they bump into the twins "Hey, what up-" Fred starts. "-with Willow?" George finishes. "She had to fix Lockhart's mess in class." Blaise explains. "And she still isn't back to full power from the summer." Theo adds. "I'm fine, just need to get my blood sugar up and get some sleep." Willow tells them, stumbling slightly. "Come on, hope on." George tells Willow, crouching down in front of her. Willow smiles and climbs on his back, letting him carry her "To the kitchen." Fred smiles, leading the way.

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