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Sara POV

I felt something heavy sit on my thighs, that's what woke me up.

Then I felt two hands grab my butt. I lifted my head up and turned around to see Cameron. "Hey babe." He smiled at me.

"Care to tell me why you're sitting on me?" I said, he shrugged. "You wanted a massage, so I wanted to give you one to wake up to." He smiled.

I started laughing and he continued to rub my butt. "That does feel nice, so." I said laying my head back down.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked, he laid down on my back side and kissed my neck. "Get dressed and you'll see." He said before getting up. I rolled over and sat up, "You know the thing about going places, you should match wherever you go so I kind of need to know." I said.

"How about I pick your outfit?" He asked. I shrugged and he grabbed my bag and went through it.

"We should probably stop by your house." he suggested. "You can get ready and then we can stop by my house when you're finished." I suggested.

He nodded and went to go take a shower.

After he finished, he came out with just his boxers on and his hair was wet. I smiled at the site, cause damn my boyfriend was fine as fuck.

"I'll take you home then I'll come back to get you." He said. I nodded, "okay, I'm fine with that, but I still need to know what to wear." He said. He walked to his closet and three seconds later he came out with a white t shirt and some shorts.

"How'd you get dressed so fast?" I asked. "I will tell you later, but now I need to get you home so you can get ready." He smiled.

I nodded and reached over to grab my boot and my wrist cast. I put it on then got up.


"Just put on a dress and I'll be back in three hours." He smiled. "I love dresses, but why?" I asked.

"Just do it, and bring a bag with clothes." he instructed. "Okay, what kind of clothes?" I asked.

He groaned, "Does it always has to matter?" He asked me. I nodded, "I'm a girl, duh." I said.

"Something to wear on a beach." He said, "So why am I wearing a dress to a beach?" I asked, "We're not going to a beach, that was just an example of what else to bring." He said.

"Is that it?" I asked laughing, "No, bring pajamas, or you can sleep naked." He smiled. I laughed and got out, I heard Cameron's door open and he rushed over to me.

"I'm going to start chaining you to my car and I'll only get you out if I get a kiss." He said, I laughed and hugged him, "I said kiss not hug." He said.

I laughed and kissed him, he looped his arms around my waist and pulled me in really close to him and deepened the kiss.

"My dads always snooping so I should probably get inside." I said pulling away from him. He sighed, but nodded.

"See you in three hours." He smiled, I nodded. He got into his car, but before driving away he stuck his head out the window. "I love you!" He said then drove off before I could even say it back...

I laughed and went inside, he would've normally at least waited for me to get the door open.

"How was Cameron's?" My mom asked when I walked inside, "It was great." I smiled, "Are you still un touched?" She asked.

I felt bad for lying, but that's just a detail she doesn't need to know, "Yes, we didn't do anything last night besides mess around in Walmart then watch movies." I lied, well I technically wasn't.

We didn't have sex last night.

"You can tell me when you guys do." She said and I nodded, "I will." I lied again.

"But I have to get ready, I have a date with Cameron later today." I informed her.

She smiled, "Is it a formal one?"

I nodded, "I don't think you've been on one since you two have been together." She said.

She was some what wrong. The first time I ever 'met' Cameron was when Tori left us at this restaurant and I was all dressed up, but it wasn't really a date because we hated each other back then.

Ironic how we're in love right?

"Can I help you get ready?" My mom asked. I nodded, "but no heals." I said.

She laughed, "Alright, come on." She chirped.


"Sara, Cameron's here." My dad said walking into my room. I smiled and got up and followed my dad down the stairs.

When I got down there, Cameron smiled at me, but I out shined his smile because I was smiling bigger.

"Wow, you look amazing." He said, I smiled harder and he met up with me. "You're so beautiful." He said.

I looked at him, basically drooling... He was wearing a suit, I just really wanted to lick him. His face and nothing more, nothing less.

I grabbed his hand when we got closer, "Can we take a picture?" My mom asked, "No, we're just going out, we're not going to prom." I laughed.

"I don't think one would hurt." Cameron smirked. "I think it would." I said, if they wanted a picture it would be a very rated R picture.

Just so they know, I don't wanna take one.

"We can take one when we get back." I said. They nodded and we walked out.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful." He said staring at me.

"You've seen me dressed this way before." I said, he shrugged. "Yeah, but that was when I had automatically seen you with devil horns." He joked. I laughed and he opened the door for me. I smiled and got in. "So where are we going?" I asked him, throwing my bag in his back seat.

"It's a surprise, but trust me, you'll love it." He smirked before speeding off.


where do you guys think he's taking her :)))

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