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Grief. Who could've known someone like me could experience that. I'm covered in blankets, hot steamy tears flowing down my cheeks. Why do I feel this way? I was going to backstab her anyways. Why do I start to cry whenever I glance at her side of the room? I shouldn't be feeling this way. Do people normally feel this? Why did she have to put me five days into the future just to keep me safe? Why did she save me?

I decide to pick myself off from my bed and go to Kronnii's side of the room. I see the picture of me and her at the amusement park. I fall down onto my knees and start sobbing even more. I let out an agonizing scream while I was at it. Yume gives me a side hug to comfort me. On her desk I see a necklace. It has a tiny clock on it, but the hands had completely stopped at 2:49. I put it around my neck and go back to bed, using Yume as a small plushie.


1. Denial. The action of declaring something to be untrue.

I open my eyes to the bright shiny sun. It's warm and comforting. My head hurts a lot. Maybe it was all just a bad dream. I'll probably see Kronnii at the cafeteria to get breakfast!

I go to the bathroom to wash my face. The ice cold water suppressing against my face feels oddly delightful. I look up at the mirror. My face is all red from the crying and my mop of a hair is all disheveled. I decide to take a shower. The warm water against my cold skin feels great. My body aches terribly though. Maybe Kronnii could help me out with this predicament.

Like, Kronnii can't be dead right!? She always stays alive! She could just turn back time and prevent her death before she dies!

After changing my clothes, I opened the door and waltz on over to the elevator. I press the 'Lobby' button and wait there. The elevator music is quite calming, maybe even more relaxing than that balcony in Mondstat. I shiver by just the thought of Mondstat. It's actually insane how Venti, or Barbatos, was killed that easily. A part of me believes that he actually never died and it was just a facade to trick the residents of Mondstat. But if he didn't die, then where could he be? When the elevator finally got to the first floor, I swiftly got off and see a girl. Wait, is that Cerise? She seems to be lost. I tap on her shoulder. She flinches but then quickly realizes that it was me. "Oh it's you, what do you want." she says, coldly. I give her a glare in return. "Elevators are over there just so you know. Dorms are on floor 11. The rest are either a bunch of private training rooms or classrooms." I say to answer her question. She looks at me, flustered and appreciative. "Thanks, I guess.." she mumbled. She first takes a few steps and then looks back at me and mouths 'I'm sorry.' Well for what? Kronnii isn't dead so there isn't really much to be sorry about besides the different universe incident but that wasn't really that bad.

I go to the cafeteria to a bunch of stares. I don't get it. Why are they staring at me? Do they really think Kronnii is dead? She's probably just going to come next week or so, considering that time travel most likely takes a while to do. I grab some cereal and look at some girls. They're just having normal conversations, like friends. I would do it with Kronnii but for some reason, she isn't here right now. I sit down, alone. The voices keep getting louder and louder the more I think about it. The sassy talk of girls, the loud voice of a male, and the high pitched sound of a pixie. Yume isn't here to accompany me. She didn't feel like going out today. Why?

Kronnii isn't dead.

She can't be.

That's just impossible.

Kronnii never dies.

They're all just insane.

I'm the only normal one here.

Why would you believe that she is dead?

A high pitched ringing starts going into my ears. I hate it. Who would like this? My head hurts. My body aches. I try to finish my bowl of cereal. I need to throw up. I lift up my plate and put it away. I swiftly walk over to the elevator. I press the number '11' as fast as I could. I'm starting to feel nauseous. The world around me starts spinning at terrible speeds. I finally arrive at the floor and run to my dorm. I leave the door open, expecting Yume to close and lock it for me, a sprint to the bathroom. I tumble onto the floor and let it all out. It was a lot. Mostly my cereal from today and my food from yesterday. Man, this sucks. After that nauseating experience, I black out and hit my head on the bathroom floor. Yume quickly realizes after locking the door and tries her best to drag me back to bed. She looks back at the bathroom in disgust and flushed the toilet for me. She successfully managed to put me in bed and put a blanket over me. She gets the thermometer and checks my temperature. I could tell from the gasp that I probably have a high fever. She puts a damp towel on my head and leaves me be. If you're wondering how I managed to narrate all of this, just know that most of the time when I'm sleeping I'm just half conscious. I'm asleep but I am aware of the things around me. Somehow, I was able to actually fall asleep.

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