First day of college

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Ella POV

"Guys, I did; I GOT IN," I yelled as I ran inside, holding the papers.

"Did what get in where?" my oldest sister asked as I ran in, breathless.

I shook the paper I was holding.

"I got into my dream college; this is my acceptance letter," I replied.

My sister beamed and gave me a big hug.

"Ells, I am so excited for you; congratulations when you leave."

"Next month, school doesn't start for another two months, but I want to move up there to get a routine and find a job; I was planning on looking at housing tonight."

Two months later

I took a deep breath, one step in front of the other. I can't believe my nervousness; I never get nervous, not even during high school.

Maybe it was because I was finally here in college, just like I had wanted to be since 8th grade. I am majoring in engineering because I love math and I am minoring in writing.

I moved here about a month ago, found an apartment, got 2 jobs, and settled in, but today was my first day of classes, and of course, because I was technically a half freshman since I did some college classes in high school, I got stuck with the shitties schedule. Meaning I had a class at 8 in the morning. The actual time of the class doesn't bother me; what bothers me is that it takes me 50 minutes to walk there, making me get up even earlier.

And what a first day of college you have been dreaming about for the last five years without problems.

Let's say there were so many problems this morning that it's not worth discussing; I made it BARLEY.

I reached room 202, my first class, only 15 minutes late, partly because I sprinted.

I carefully knock on the door.

After a moment of silence, my professor walls out, and God, she is gorgeous; her brown, almost black eyes compliment her white office-type shirt with a black pantsuit, she put light makeup on, and her height is so tall, at least 6 feet 2.  Boobs, my eyes land on her boobs, God, her Boobs. I might have a slight boob kink. They are so round and perfect; I can't keep my mind from imagining me licking and bit-

"Sweetheart, my eyes are up here."

My mind reels back to reality, and my cheeks blush. I can't believe I just imagined myself doing that 

"I am sorry, ma-am I-I"

"It's OK, Sweetheart; all allow it just because you're cute when you're flustered."

This time, my Brain registered that she had called me Sweetheart.

I blush even more and move past her to get to the classroom 

Great, all the seats are gone except 2, the closest to the teacher's desk.

I pick the one closest to the window.

The professor walks over to me.

"All right, since you are late, explain what everyone else is doing."

She hands me a piece of paper.

"It's two quizzes: one is a basic math quiz to ensure you're ready for this class, and the quiz on the back is a get-to-know-you quiz so I can see who you're most compatible with when we do partner projects."

"Thank you, miss."

"Black," she answers, clearly realizing I don't know her last name.

"Thank you, Mrs. Black. Umm," I gulp nervously.  "Is it okay if I have my earbuds in while I do this? I promise not to cheat."

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