Le Arrival

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The cackle of thunder emanates through the land, rumbling both in the sky and in the ground as endless teardrops pelt the surface, drenching pavements and wood alike as the storm continued to unleash its wrath on the world. Despite the audio, no sight can be gained from the darkness.

And then, through the night, a voice, unfamiliar but at the same time, so familiar.

"You and I both know that this won't stop me forever."

A flash, and the rain is now sliding down the metal surface of a drone body, hundreds of them to be more exact, all dumped in a huge pile and left to rot under the rotten yellow glow of the Moon up above. In front of this pile of remains stand two living bots, one female maid with pigtails, and a male butler with short hair.

"Look at it," Jessica, the female, said to her partner as she gestured at the worker drone graveyard, "Think of one word to describe the scene before you." The male thought for a moment, his gaze still locked onto the corpse pile, blissfully unaware of the structure that he would contribute to that would far and away surpass this.

"It's death," he finally said, prompting Jessica to scoff in mild amusement. "Wow, gotta say, that's probably the first intelligent thing I've ever heard from you," she said, flicking her wrist in the direction of the pile.

"Why did you take me out here anyway? It's so cold, and wet? Shouldn' t we be inside?" the boy asked as he faced Jessica, only to see her angry white eyes meet his own.

"I took you out here to show you what will happen to you if you keep being the way you are! You're clumsy, unreliable, useless! If you don't pick up your act," Jessica got in the face of her hurt and frightened coworker, "You'll be sent here, to rot like the rest of them-" she was cut off when another voice piped up, that of a young girl.

"What are you two doing out here?"

Jessica and her coworker spun around, only to see their master, also known as Tessa, standing there, one hand on her hip and the other holding onto a plain black umbrella which she used to shield her dress and hat from the downpour. Sheepishly, Jessica put her hands behind her back and adopted her cutesy maid act in order to hopefully not piss her handler off, even though deep down she thought she should do something about Mr. Useless over here.

Another flash, and the trio are back inside the mansion, now sheltered from the torrents of rain that were just assaulting them a few moments ago. While Jessica was grilled by Tessa for why she took the boy out there, another maid was drying him down from his time outside in the constant storm.

"My goodness, you should really be more careful!" Vanessa said as she adjusted her glasses, patting down his chest with a hyper-absorbent rag, "I don't want to see these perfectly good clothes ruined! Oh but I must admit I enjoy going down to the store to buy some, or even ironing out wrinkled up clothes. Eh, probably just my programming," Vanessa continued to ramble as the male drone blushed upon feeling her briefly brushing over you-know-what. Was that on purpose? He wondered to himself before Tessa suddenly strolled up to him, Vanessa backing away out of respect as she looked him intently in the eyes. The boy felt his core race in fear, was he about to get punished?

Then, she yanked out a small stuffed bear patterned like a Panda and presented it to him, like a mother giving its kittens a new mouse to play with. "Bear." Her voice was assertive, dominating. He was going to take this bear.

"I-Uh-thanks? It's cute, like, adorable!" he said as he took the bear and felt it in his hands, soft, squishy, like any good bedtime toy should be. No doubt Tessa had a lot of bears, she often gave them to guests at the mansion as a parting gift, especially for kids around her age. He liked it, he could get much more sleep with this little guy by his side to keep the monsters in their closets or under the beds. Jessica meanwhile just pouted in the corner, why did he get the bear?

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