Watch Party At Uzi's

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When N first arrived at the Doorman residence, he didn't really know what to expect the dwelling of his best friend to look like. He had wondered about it as they navigated the labyrinth that the worker drones called home, whether it was an industrial maze of goth band posters and purple lights or a literal endless complex of doors, perhaps an explanation for his companions phobia/hatred of the objects.

What he did not expect was for it to actually be a relatively normal looking household.

"And welcome, to la Doorman residence!" Uzi said as she opened the door with a cinematic flare and gestured inside, where it opened up into a large living room with an elevated platform of sorts which housed a few couches and pillows, a coffee table, and the TV. It was an old model with an antenna on top and a switch on the side which powered it on, but it was still functional. Around the rest of the room were multiple cabinets, computer consoles and displays, some family photos, others rewards Khan had received from the colony and his door making enterprises.

"Wow, it's actually nice in here," N noted to himself. Just how did Uzi get so angsty when her homelife looked this luxurious? It was certainly a step up from Doll's living conditions, that was for sure. Although he wasn't complaining about Uzi's angst, it was hot-I mean cute anyway.

"Yeah, it's alright, but it is boring. Much more fun out in the corpse spire with you guys, to be honest." Uzi couldn't really believe what she was saying. Since when did she prefer a house literally made from her people's dead corpses? Perhaps it wasn't the place, but the people-person she got to be with. Behind her, Khan walked into the house and facepalmed, sighing quietly to himself. 'Oh Uzi,' he thought to himself, 'where did I go wrong?'

Khan instantly manned up and cleared his throat, gaining the murder drones attention. If this thing was going to be in their house, then goddammit Khan was going to do things his way. "Alright, a few ground rules if you're going to stay in here," the chief began. Uzi groaned and nudged N in the elbow. "And this is when living here really begins to suck," she whispered to him. Her dad listing down what she could and couldn't do was one of her personal triggers, she was basically an adult at this point and didn't need to policed. N almost certainly didn't need to either, but here Khan went, laying down the rules with as much spite as he could muster up in the face of his predator.

"1. No touching ANYTHING. 2. No going into any rooms unless explicitly given permission. 3. No murder. Do any of these things or violate my daughter in any way and I WILL INSTALL A DOOR ON YOUR FACE!" Khan shouted while raising up a wrench, the same wrench he had beaten Nori to death wi-I mean put her out of her misery with. Uzi rolled her eyes while N raised a digital eyebrow, confused. Khan barely measured up to his shoulders and could be gutted by N with a single swipe of his claws. What exactly could he do to N?

Spoiler alert, absolutely fuck all.

However, N being the best boi he is, did as the master of the household said, and as such saluted Khan, a large grin on his face. "Yes sir!" he replied. Khan groaned, at least the murderer was actually listening to him, unlike Uzi. The chief of the WDF then excused himself and moved to another room, leaving N and Uzi alone.

"..So, should we like, get ready to watch this thing or?" Uzi began.

"Yeah, I just gotta get changed real quick!" N said as he placed the VHS tape on a small round table, and before Uzi could even react, took off his camper shirt in a flash of movement. One thing to keep in mind, N never really had much experience in changing clothing until recently, and as such, he didn't know about the rule that you shouldn't just randomly shed all your clothes in front of people. Uzi, on the other hand, was consumed with shock and disgust for a moment, and then awe.

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