A Fire Full Of CYNners: Act 1

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Cyn hadn't felt the air touching her metal shell in years.

For the past.. how long has it been now? Whatever, for the past forever, she had been forced to lie in wait within the confines of that VHS tape, listening to the neverending screech of static and the painful stinging her very being went through when they built that stupid PSA around. The static had stopped, but she had been instead forced to watch it on loop, a never ending hell of misinformation and agony, one which she couldn't leave.

At least, until now, as she finally stood up in the real world, looking around at her surroundings. Some kind of living room, scattered with patches of snow and computer consoles, as if it was a previously work-focused room that had been quickly refined into one of comfort. Then, the drones. A green-eyed jock boy, a pink-eyed cheerleader, a white-eyed old man, and.. him.

Cyn's eyes narrowed upon meeting a highly terrified N's. "YOU!" she shouted, causing the disassembly drone to look from side to side in an awkward manner before, with a small chuckle of fear, pointed at himself while smiling nervously. "You and I have unfinished business," she continued, taking her first step forward since being first trapped within the tape. Her metal joints screeched in protest as they tried to adjust to this new terrestrial environment, having not had to do their duties in forever.

"Uhh, do we?" N asked. He didn't even know who this girl was, although he was pretty certain that this was the same one that was showing up in his dreams. Cyn seemed to have had a synthetic nerve struck, as a pair of fleshy wings and a tail, complete with a whole separate head at the end, suddenly materialized out of thin air on her body. Cyn took on a more battle-ready stance and let out a loud roar of rage as the tail also raised up with a snarl of its own, the Absolute Solver flickering over her visor, replacing both of her eyes. The wings themselves were black in color and looked to be built the same as Uzi's wings, albeit much bulkier and with extra spikes. The same went for the tail, with spines along its cranium and extra teeth growing out of its gums.

"Hey look, I think you got the wrong guy! I don't even know who you are!" N exclaimed, this cry of shock causing Cyn to lose her symbol for a moment, instead replaced with hollowed out oval rings, ones which flickered with static for a moment.

"WHAT!? OH COME ON! HOW COULD YOU NOT REMEMBER ME!? WAS I THAT UNMEMORABLE TO YOU!? BRUUUUH! THAT CAN'T BE TRUE! Y'KNOW? THE FIGHT AT THE MANSION!? ME KILLING EVERYONE!?" Cyn shrieked as she stomped a foot onto the floor, causing it to crack under it and fill up with a yellow glow. "Uhh, nope. I don't know who you are," N confirmed. This seemed to only infuriate Cyn further.

"This is ridiculous, you have to remember me, Nathan!"

N's eyes widened, and he felt his heart skip a beat. Nathan? Who the fuck was that? He was N! Right? Uzi and Thad both turned to him with confused glances before refocusing on their enemy. He was a little shook, was she really refering to him? He was never called Nathan! Unless, those flashbacks...

NO! None of its true! Its.. not true...

"Speaking of remembering, wow Nathan, you look.. different?" Cyn winced a little while shaking her hand at N's appearance, "I will say that you were a lot cuter then you were small, oh how I remember those times! Oh, and the trench coat, ehhhhh..." N looked down at his coat and back up at Cyn, taking offense to her judgement of his drip. "What? It's a perfectly nice trench coat!" he responded.

"Yeah, those clothes really don't look good on you, you look kinda stupi-" Cyn was interrupted by Uzi, who had been getting progressively more angry as Cyn continued to roast her crushes outfit. "Yeah, you say that, but your literally dressed like a maid!" the angsty goth girl shouted out, prompting Thad to cover his mouth in shock at the roast and Khan to facepalm in the background, all the while Lizzy filmed the hillarity ensue. "YEAH ALRIGHT! Victim of circumstance, okay? It's not my fault that I happened to be in this stupid outfit when that idiot over there trapped me in that VHS tape for over 10 GODDAMN YEARS!!!" Cyn yelled, clenching her fists as her voie boomed through the drones bodies, her white eyes flickering into a deep yellow, the same as the disassembly drones.

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