A Fire Full Of CYNners: Act 3

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The bellow of what was once Charlotte threatened to bowl our heroic drone buddies over in a pile of steel and bolts with how powerful it was, but they stood strong in the face of the tidal winds blown back by its roar, albeit with some of them internally freaking out at the sight of such a creature.

"OH WHAT IS THAT!? NO!" Thad shrieked.

"Umm, clashing?" Lizzy was too focused on rating the giant enemy spider's, or as we will call it, G.E.S, appearance to be scared of it.

"Jesus christ, it's happening again," V muttered to herself. This was screwed up, even by her standards, and the worst part? It was nothing new for Cynthia.

Khan and Uzi were completely speechless, for different reasons. Khan was horrified because of how Nori had the same abilities, the same power as this 'Cyn'. Would she had been capable of something like this? Did she do something like this? Uzi meanwhile was a younger drone, only barely reaching adulthood. Because of this, she hadn't had the years to gaze upon eldritch horrors and be used to it. As such, she was traumatized upon laying her eyes on such a tragic creation. This thing put Eldritch J to shame.

Cynthia perched herself upon a higher ledge near the ceiling, still marked with the hole N made during the battle where everything changed, and silently gave orders to her new puppet. Now THIS was a luxury she missed, creating her own toys/monsters to go attack those she didn't like or stood against her.

"Welp, we're fucked," Uzi conluded in a matter-of-fact manner as she finished her internal freakout session. N however wasn't ready to just give up and get eaten by the G.E.S, there was a planet at stake here! And everyone was just ready to give up just because they were against a kaiju now? Not N.

"Oh come on guys! Surely we can still take this guy, no matter how spooky it looks! V, you got missiles?" he asked, pointing his gaze over at his female coworker. V herself contemplated lying and saying that she was out, but remembered that their nanites would just generate more so that would be an obvious fib. Not only that, but V had promised to stop Cynthia's reign of terror a long while ago, and this poor girl had been turned into a monster likely was in immense agony. With that pulsing through her motherboard, V came to a decision.

"Locked and loaded," V replied, switching both of her hands to the missile launchers with a click, N repeating this action as if they were clockwork. "Alright, how about we give that big mean monster a piece of our minds!" N yelled, V sighing and nodding. Most likely, N's optimism would get them killed, but they had to try something!

"Okay, alright," N prepared himself while V shook her head slowly beside him, "CHARGE!"

The pair of disassembly drones charged forward, firing missiles far and wide in a massive volley that could have decimated an entire crowd of worker drones with ease had they been aiming at them. But this wasn't a worker drone, this was a monster. Upon making contact with the G.E.S's skin, the missiles exploded with tremendous power, the spider letting out multiple loud growls of pain as the ground shook under each footfall and each explosion. However, despite its force, the missiles were hard pressed to bust through its thick newly-formed exoskeleton, and the G.E.S had its own forms of self-defense.

Lifting one tremendous hooked appendage into the air, a low toned but gradually increasing humming began to spread through the air as the limb flickered with some kind of blue energy. Uzi in particular felt that it was familiar to her, as if she had been attacked with something similar to it before-

Oh, right. J's EMP.

As this thought crossed her mind, the G.E.S slammed its hooked arm into the ground, producing a shockwave so enormous and so powerful that it managed to send everyone on the scene flying into the air in dramatic fashion, as if they were all ragdolls in a little girls room while she had a tantrum. "BISCCUIIIITTTSSSS-" N stretched out his exclamation of terror as all of our cute murder bots smashed into the concrete, kicking up a massive cloud of dust in their wake. But the G.E.S had a job to do, and time was demanding on Cynthia.

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