Aadhya Sharma 's Tea Date part 1

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Product management!!

Product Management!

Product Management!

Product Management!

He has been shouting these words Durga ....

Her husband Shiv says rubbing her bridge of her nose ...and our poor little sweet heart angel is tired of his countless instructions and abuses , she has even complained to Posh officer Nityānanda Desai.

He adds.

Good !

She replies making him laugh a loud as she makes faces when she talks about him with a disgruntled attitude.

Durga after a brief pause says " He does not disabled and inclusive people, just because he thinks he is perfect and his life is perfect ".

But...I wish a miracle happened in his life and Sudha gets out of his life...

Shish Durga what a rotten thinking you have ! Shiv says turning to his side.

' Doing Tu Tu Tu ' he snozzes off to sleep.

Later in mid night he pates Durga 's forehead to let herself go into deep sleep..

What the heck Shiv and Aadhya sitting in their respective houses thinking about the same person ....

Abhimanyu .....

Or Sarvesh.....

Aaadhya next day was making last minute changes in data and product scripts by late in the afternoon it was ready and before it could be viewed during the meeting ...

She did send it for approval...

Abhimanyu sir , did accept it by typing in two words

' Good job'.

To her and her teams shock ..

As they were chatting amongst each other.

She felt soft kiss on her left nape.

Aadhya jumped while sipping her tea

"Every day from the moment I lay my eyes on you ...you go away , I want satiate myself with you forever darling ".

Hearing these words her pupils turned wide in disbelief....

' What about Sudha'?

She questions ..

Long story cut it short .

That woman wanted causal relationships which ended that day itself ..

I wanted to apologise for my mistakes that day itself but some how could not do as my ego of hating disable became intense.....

I can't believe you she says laughing aloud

But then why you so impolite with me...

Closing distance them he says " It was long time then until one day I saw death standing in front of me like I was some over cooked meal "

And with my dad distancing himself from me and throwing me out of our company in pretext of not understanding the real worth of other human beings.

'Tea' she questioned him as she did not when and how they both went into each others beings and when did she get herself unbuttoned ..

Closing her things and zipping her dress up she asked with heavy breathe.

" Can we go out for our exclusive Tea Date..".

He noded kissing her lips passionately...

They went to a nearby Tea Stall with fingers entwined....

In between he kissed ...them feeling complete..

Ordering their very special Malai Tea ...they enjoyed their Date with their laughter , anecdotes and other stuff...

Suddenly they see Sudha coming out with some male escort playing with his cheeks ..

Planting a kiss on his cheeks they do order ' special tea'.

Aadhya Sharma asks for a bill from the waiter ..

Before she Gets it, a kiss lands on rings finger with a sliding of diamond bracelet around her wrist .
With her eyes turning darker she sits on his Lap.. and boldly kisses his lips passionately...looking every where ,

He laughs ,

Undeterred he unbutton the zipper and rubs her back.

Back in their floor , they spend some time talking about the project ...

Later in the night ...., Before leaving her home which is opposite of his ...

He shos her into his studio where he did meditation...

Zipping off his and her clothes , he Abhimanyu better know as Sarvesh enjoy kissing each and every body part , she did too enjoy kissing him back with passion and vigour only to yearn for more and more....

Kissing each other sweat beads on their lips he plants his seed of his being inside her like a magic.....

Slowly get up , he goes for wash with her with delightful eyes and says today's our stars were righteousness aligned for our new lives to begin.
I am sorry to have taken your silence as yes .

'No ' you are wrong ...

Few year ago ..
Before you entered my life and this happening .

I mentally accept you as my husband....

Hugging her tightly , Sarvesh pants a soft kiss on her forehead.

To get patted on his shoulders by their grandpa Chinmaya looking at them in joy.

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