Ajana bring home a surprise

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No Means No,,, Abhimanyu sir looking at his friend said ..

Please cut the ties with her , right now ...

But why sir ?.

Viraat questions feeling tired...to hear 'No' from every one..when it comes regarding Anaisha

Because she was my best friend's Viraj's sister..who has ill and negative thoughts and sports venom against people like Aadhya and her disability...
See .. if she gets to know about your stammering issue she might tease you ... to the tee

No ....she isn't he says and leaves the office and his close friend forever..
5 years later,
Ajana calling her brother Abhimanyu says I am coming with a pleasant surprise ...

' Baby no more ' he says kissing his wife Aadhya and his mom- in - law's forehead...
Touching his fil's feet he goes to his bungalow with his family feeling uneasy...

Aadhya Sharma as she enters home, goes to their room requesting Ojovati and Vivasvaan to go inside their rooms to change in fresh cloths ...

What happened Sarvesh Janu..she rubbing his back questions...

Sarvesh immediately turns to face her , Kissing her lips tentatively .., he says she is bringing home Viraat , my arrogant friend who changed his name to Gautam Rishi in order to protect himself from Abhimanyu sir... ie me .

But he doesn't know who is Ajana Mehta ... ... ? ha ha ..he laughed aloud
For Ojovati and Vivasvaan to be shocked..


Setting up the table , they all had food chatting amongst each other having their own perception about different things...
For which Sarvesh elaborated further...
Later in the night , hugging her bare body tightly to warm strain hairy bare chest ...and body holding his boxers
He went to sleep.. peaceful .

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