Year 1: A croaking, annoying hat

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Jeez, it's just a stupid hat! Yey, ear cancer for free!?


The chapter in which Hazel gets ear cancer



"Wake up sleepyhead! We're almost there!"

I groaned and slowly blinked.

It was already getting dark outside.

I sat up. "Thanks for waking me up. Where can i change into my uniform?"

Theo got up. "Come on, i'll show you.  It's pretty crowded in the corridors of the train."

I followed him past many talking students, most of them older than us.

"Here is the girls bathroom." Theo pointed to a door.

I pushed the door open, locked it behind me and changed into my uniform.

In the small cabin was a mirror. I looked at myself.

I was wearing a grey tie. I knew, that it would magically change into my Hogwarts-House color later.

I stepped out of the cabin and presented myself to Theo.

"Great. Now, let's go back to our compartment, i think we'll arrive soon."

We pushed our way back, past the students again.

I plopped down on my seat and stared out of the window.

"Excited? Nervous? Scared?" Theo asked me and i just nodded. "I probably don't even need to ask in which house you want. Your parents want you to be in Slytherin right?"

I nodded again. "My father wants me to be in Slytherin. My mother just said, it would be safer for me to be in Slytherin. It seems like the dark Lord wouldn't like it, if i was in a different house."

Theo rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Can i tell you something? My parents say exact the same. And you know what? I don't give a fuck. I actually want to be a Slytherin, but only because I want that and not because of my parents or the dark Lord. I don't care about them."

I sighed and leaned my head against the headrest. "You're totally right. And i mean, what could the dark Lord do if we don't get into Slytherin? It's not like he can hurt us. He's gone. Well, atleast for now...But i mean, we can't do anything against it, can we?"

Theo rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. "We can't right now. But i know that the dark Lord will come back and there will be a war. But if my parents excpect me to help the dark Lord... never. I'll be on the good side."

I nodded. "I'll be with you. We'll fight for the good side. Together!"



The train slowed down and then stopped totally.

"Are we there?" i asked excitedly, jumping up from my seat.

"Yeah, i guess." Theo replied.

I grabbed my suitcase and the pet carrier with a sleeping Calypso. 

Theo already opened the door from our compartment and turned around to me. "Let's go?"

"Yeah, let's go." i replied.

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