Year 1: The legendary letter

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The legendary letter, blah blah, blah, who cares?


The chapter in which Hazel receives a legendary letter and is annoyed by her father



"Hey, Haze! Hazeeee!"

"Uhrgg, fuck off!" I groaned.

I grabbed my panda-pillow and placed it over my ears so i wouldn't have to listen to my brothers voice anymore. It was way to early to stand up.

Someone entered the room and closed the door behind them. I didn't know who it was, because my face was still buried in my pillows.

"Draco... go away!" i mumbled sleepily.

I heard someone opening my curtains and felt the warm rays of sunshine on my skin. "Darling, you have to get up, there's breakfast."

It was my mom. I sat up in my bed and blinked against the bright sun. Dust swirled in the air and my nose started to itch. I swung my legs out of bed and placed my bare feet on the cold tiles.

I felt shivers run down my spine. Even though it was summer, it was freezing everywhere in the house. Didn't we own a damn heater?

"We have a heater." my mother said casually.

I groaned. I kept forgetting that my mother knew Legilimency.

Stupid mind reading...

"No swear words!" my mother reminded me.

Ha ha, very funny. Stop reading my fucking mind then!

"Language!" my mother scolded.

"Sorry." i mumbled.

"You have to get up now. Otherwise your father will get angry. He's not in a good mood today." mother said quietly.

Really? What a surprise.

"What's his problem today?" i asked annoyed.

"He wonders what would happen if you didn't become a Slytherin." she explained.

"So what? Who cares which Hogwarts house i go to?" i asked pissed.

"Your whole family cares. If you don't get into Slytherin, you're endangering your life!" my mother hissed.

Then she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, love." she apologized.

"It's okay, mom. I understand." i tried to calm her down.

I knew the pressure my mother was under. Everyone in this family knew the pressure she was under. Why? Because we were all under the same pressure.

"Do me a favor, love." my mother asked me. "If the Sorting Hat wants to put you in another house, then you wish for Slytherin. He will respect your descision."

I sighed. "And what if i don't get into Slytherin?"

"You have to! You know what happened with the Blacks when Sirius became a Gryffindor. His family hated him! I don't want that to happen to you too. So please, wish for Slytherin. Do it for me."

I sighed again. "Okay mom."

My mother pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and sighed softly. "I'm sorry, love."

-Cedric Diggory- Thank you for everythingWhere stories live. Discover now