Chapter 1 - What's This?

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Ayame's Home

Ms. Ayame: Haruka, get out of bed now. Breakfast is ready.

(Ayame wakes up)

Ayame: Coming Mom (in a tiring voice)

(Ayame goes downstairs with her eyes barely open)

Ms. Ayame: What's wrong Haruka? Still sleepy?

(Ayame nods her head softly)

Ms. Ayame: *Sigh* Well, try taking a shower, that should make you feel energized after this.

Ayame: Got it.

(Ayame finishes her meal and goes to take a shower)

Ayame: Looks like even the shower couldn't keep me awake.

(Ayame changes to her school uniform)

Ayame's mom: Haruka, you're about to be late to school.

Ayame: Really, what time is it?

(Ayame checks the time)

Ayame: 7:30!? I must go now.

(Ayame rushes downstairs)

Ayame: Bye Mom. I love you so much. (she quickly spoke)

Ayame: Bye, dear.


Ayame: I'm about to be the school year started.

(Ayame slips on something)

Ayame: OW! What was that—. Huh?

(She noticed a white gem in front of her)

Ayame: What is this? It looks like some gem that appears in superpower movies.

Ayame: It does look pretty.

(Her phone starts beeping which shocks her)

Ayame: That beeping. Is it already 7:40?

Ayame: I need to go now. I have no time.

(Ayame stores the crystal without her even knowing)


Prof. Asuka: Late on the first day of school.

Ayame: *Pants* Sorry, professor.

Prof. Asuka: I hope you don't make a habit out of this.

Ayame: So, am I free to go?

Prof. Asuka: Do you want to be in trouble?

Ayame: No.

Prof. Asuka: Then get to class!

Ayame: OK (in a scared tone)

Prof. Asuka: What a troublesome child.

Ayame: Phew, I sure was lucky I didn't get in trouble. Although I wonder, what was that gem?

(Ayame suddenly remembers what she did)

Ayame: Oh yeah, I took the gem in my bag. Where was it?

(Ayame holds the gem and is dazzled by it)

Ayame: This sure looks magical. I wonder if it will give me some superpowers or something.

Hayashi: What's that?

Ayame: Hayashi! I felt scared there for a second.

Hayashi: Yeah whatever, so what's that thing you're holding?

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