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Alaisha POV:

"You was shitty as hell at Uno so obviously you was drinking the most, I felt bad so I took a couple extra". She rubbed thumb on my hand in circles as I just listened.

"After that I said we were done playing because It was gettting boring, I really only said that to get your competitive ass to chill out".

We both laughed as she kept talking.

"We started eating some snacks and talking, just getting to know each other more. you remember that?".

I shook my head no and she kept talking. "Well yeah we just talked and shit for a while, then you started getting all flirty and stuff, it caught me off guard because you ain't really seem the type".

My eyes went wide and I moved my hand away from her, "I what".

She started to laugh shyly and rubbed the back of her neck. "Wait did I do something stupid, oh lord I did". I got up again and back up. "I am so sorry for whatever I said or did I was clearly not in the right head space".

She moved to the end of the bed and started talking again.

"Nah you ain't do nothing wrong, everything that happened you have my consent to do again at any given time".

She looked at me licking her lips and felt my heart rate pick up, with how many times my heart rate has gone crazy today you'd think I was in a hospital fighting for my life.

"Wait so I- what did I do". She stood up and went behind me to close the door. I gave her a questioning look but she said nothing. She then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed making me sit down.

She walked to her dresser and grabbed a hair tie and put her hair in a high bun.

"Um-" before I could say anything she stood in front of be and took of her shirt. I gasped and covered my eyes.

"Why the hell are you taking your shirt off, all I asked was what did I do". In a situation like this I always imagined myself holding my own and being the bad bitch I am but it's like right now in this moment my brain is mush.

Now I'm not saying I've imagined this exact thing before, just maybe something similar. You know being in a situation with an extremely sexy woman. (Don't act like yall don't be thinking like that too)

"Girl im trying to show you, ain't nobody about to fuck you calm down".

I took my hands of my face and gasped at her comment. "I never sa-" I choked on my words and covered my mouth as I finally noticed what I did.

She was covered in hickeys from her neck down to the top of her basket ball shorts. She started to walk towards me and I felt my stomach drop. I acted without thinking and kicked her in the stomach and jumped up.

Before I ran out of the room I saw her fall on the bed holding her stomach while Groaning in pain.

When I got in the living room Taliah was sitting there with her eyes wide and started to get up. "Uh what ha" I cut her off and quickly apologized.

I saw my phone and keys on the table, I quickly grabbed them and left. After fumbling to unlock my door a few times I finally got it and when I got in I slammed the door harder than intended and locked it, I leaned up against the wall just standing there breathing heavily. Why the hell did I just do that.

I slid down the wall and brought my knees up to my chest and put my head down covering my face with my arms.

After a few minutes of panicking internally I sat up and yelled "FUCKKK".

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