Page 23

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Alaisha POV:

"I can carry that Riya you don't have to" I huffed as we made our way up the stairs. She had my suitcase, my book bag and my new purse. She would've took the smoothies to if i didn't threaten to punch her.

I think she kind of liked that to be honest but that's not important right now.

"Okay and I can carry it too just fine." I rolled my eyes and kept walking up the stairs. Once we made it to my apartment door I moved around her and unlocked it.

Once I stepped in I let out a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding, feeling instantly relaxed by the comfort of my home. Home.... Honestly that thought caught me off guard.

I have a home? Yeah no too soon.

I closed the door and sat out smoothies in the kitchen. "I missed you ma." I turned around smiling and probably blushing as Riyah wrapped her arms around me and picked me up hugging me.

The sudden movements made me laugh but I still hugged her back. Before her I never realized how much I love physical touch. " I missed you too, I'm about to cook though so you gotta put me down".

"Ughhh but I just got you back." She held me tighter and made her way into the living room.

"Let me cook for you, I got the whole night planned out that's just step one."

She sat down on my couch as my legs rested on either side of hers making me straddle her, she rubbed her hands up and down my back giving me instant butterflies.

"Hm so what you saying is, you were thinking about my fine ass and you miss me too."

I laughed at her comment snd tried to hide the fact that she is indeed correct.

"Wrong my sister just said I should do something nice since you're a crybaby and I'm aggressive which I think is a lie".

"Girl bye  you talking out yo ass foreal".
I rolled my eyes again and started to get up but she grabbed my ass/thigh area and pulled me back but this time closer.

I layed my head on her shoulder not wanting to make eye contact but that wasn't any better because she turned her head and I could feel her breath right on my ear.

"I think that whole sentence was a lie ma, don't lie to me." She rubbed her hands up and down my back in a soothing manner.

"I wanted to do something nice for you". 

"Look at me". Her words sent a chill through my entire body. I sat up to look at her and we made eye contact.

"Thank you love i really appreciate what you're doing, don't stress about a thing. No matter what it is that you do I'll love it".

The reassurance made me happy, a sentence so small just made heart feel so full.

"I- I'm going to be honest I don't really know how to respond to that but thank you".

"You're welcome and that's okay we'll work on it, can I have a kiss".

I smiled hard then gently grabbed her face, we both leaned into the kiss and all I could think about was how soft her lips are, how perfect they feel against mine.

It's crazy that I'm even here right now if you told me I'd be right here 2 months ago I would've said your lying.

After we pulled away from eachother she finally let me up so I could go cook.

Zariyah POV:

Ring ring

Man who over here interrupting my time with this girl after she done left me for like two years.

"What you say?" Oops I thought I said that in my head.

"Nothinggg ma continue what you doing".  She rolled her eyes while laughing and went back to cooking.

I looked at my phone again to see the caller ID was an unknown number so I just declined it. As I started looking for something to watch on the tv my phone started ringing AGAIN.

Like it's one thing to call the phone that I pay for without me even having your number saved but it's a whole different thing for you to call again after I declined.

I decided to answer since that's probably the responsible thing to do because it could be important I guess.

"Yo?" I was met with silence.

"Helloo? I'm about to hang up".

"No no wait I-"

"Oh hell nah, what you want sally" I knew exactly who it was and had neither the time nor the patience to deal with her bum ragedy ass.

"Huh what no this is nev-"

"Oh Ight my bad I wasn't sure which personality was calling me".


I cut her off again not wanting to hear her bullshit again.

"You what? Want to disrupt my peace after up and disappearing then coming back just to tell me you was fucking a nigga? Oh wait you already did that so you must be trying to run me over with a fucking car for breaking up with yo ass for that shit. WAIT NO you already did that shit to so let me guess one more time... you just got out of jail and want to make shit right?" 

I sat in silence waiting for a response and lightly bouncing my leg. I hate that she just got to me so easily, I should change my number. Yeah doing that tomorrow for sure.

"I- I'm sorr-" and with that I hung up and blocked the number.


"Hm?" I didn't look up until I turned my phone off completely.

"You okay?"

I smiled before responding. "Yeah of course why wouldn't I be?". I picked the remote back up and started back my search on Hulu for something to watch.

"I mean I just heard you on the phone and it didn't really seem like it."

"Well I said yeah so I don't know why you still sitting here bugging me bout the shit".

I turned on this show called Star I've watched some of it before but it's reallly just about to be background noise I'm taking my ass to sleep.

Alaisha POV:

I put the pan of Seafood Alfredo lasagna into the oven along with the Brussel sprouts, I'm waiting to put the garlic bread in later so it'll be fresh and hot with everything else.

Zariyah was currently laying the couch sleeping, after her little outburst I just walked away because if I reacted I'd be packing up to move again because I don't even play like that.

I completely understand if she got some stuff going on but getting loud with me? That's beyond crazy to be honest.

I washed my hands and went into my room to change into my outfit I got and the lingerie. It was a pretty dark blue, I hadn't worn any before but there's a first time for everything and I just loveeee how it looks on me.

Hopefully she'll wanna talk after her nap because I want to make her feel better and make sure she has fun today.

And enjoys her food today... both meals of course.


Not sure how I feel about this page but it's something I hope y'all enjoy it!!🫶🏽

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