Chapter 14 Yule

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Harry wasn't used to the school being so full during Christmas break. Waking up in a dormitory full of people with presents at the ends of their beds was a novelty - to be totally honest, it was a little overwhelming. Harry mostly ignored Dean and Seamus crowing over their presents, working his way through his own pile with a quiet grin on his face.

He was pleased to see Mrs Weasley had sent him a jumper and some fudge, even if the sight of the present made Ron scowl. There was nothing in Harry's pile from him, and even Hermione's present was far less enthusiastic than it might have been in previous years; some liquorice wands and his own copy of Hogwarts, A History. That made Harry snort - if she only knew the irony of giving him such a gift.

There was a box of prank items from the twins and some chocolate from Ginny; a neatly wrapped parcel that turned out to be from Sirius and Remus - a wand holster, and a short stack of books. The first two looked interesting, both about little-known defensive magics that Salazar hadn't encountered before. The third made Harry blush bright red; Sirius - because it was definitely his doing - had sent a small book that Harry couldn't figure out if it was a self-help book or a gay sex manual. Knowing his godfather, it probably leaned towards the latter. Harry tucked it back inside the wrapping paper, but green eyes kept lingering on it as he went through his other presents. Embarrassing as it was, it was a well thought-out present. Neither Harry nor Cedric had more than a rough idea of what to do when alone, and while Cedric was still working through some things in his own head regarding his gender... Harry wanted to be prepared for the future.

He'd have to thank Sirius. If he could ever bring himself to look the man in the eye again.

Luna and Neville had combined forces on his present - a beautiful set of potions' knives in a dark green dragonhide wrap. He'd been using Salazar's old knives, and while they were perfectly serviceable they were definitely getting up there in age. These were sleek and sharp, with obsidian handles, a tiny snake carved into the end of each one. Harry flashed a grin up at his friend. "Thanks, Nev," he murmured, earning a thumbs up in reply.

"You too, Harry. I love it!" Harry's present to Neville was a selection of rare seeds from all over the world. He'd thought about getting a weapon to replace Godric's immense armoury, but Neville had made his own trip to Gringotts and it turned out many of his old weapons were still in the vaults. The boy had returned to carrying around the same dagger Godric had once refused to be without, hidden beneath his robe.

Finally Harry was just left with his present from Cedric, and he opened the small package with bated breath. His eyes went wide when he lifted the lid of the box. Inside was a pendant, sterling silver and gleaming, in the shape of a badger. Held protectively between the badger's paws was a vivid green emerald. Magic practically sang from the jewellery, and when Harry turned the pendant over in his hands he noticed runes carved all over the surface. There was a note inside the box, and Harry picked it up.

Wear this, and I will always be able to reach your side, no matter how far apart we are. I will always bring you home, my love.

His heart squeezed near-painfully at the words in Cedric's familiar neat print. Of course, the runes were all about location and protection - with it, Cedric would be able to apparate to Harry's side at any moment, regardless of wards trying to prevent it. There was very likely something in it that told Cedric when Harry was in danger, too.

There would not be a repeat of Salazar's death, alone and far from Hogwarts and with injuries that Helga could have healed if she'd been there in time.

With trembling fingers, Harry secured the pendant around his neck, feeling it settle into the hollow of his throat. Cedric's magic against his skin sent warmth through his veins.

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