Chapter 24 family

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At last it was time for the foreign students to return home. With no headmaster - Karkaroff had gone somewhat catatonic after his loss of magic, and had been sent back home with a healer accompaniment - the Durmstrang students had readied the boat easily, Viktor assuring that they were the ones who steered it anyway, and Karkaroff just sat in his cabin and drank wine. The Beauxbatons carriage had the horses attached once more, Madame Maxime waiting in the doorway while her students said their farewells.

Harry stood leaning against Cedric's side, watching as people exchanged addresses and promises to keep in touch, even a few kisses here and there - Viktor looked particularly disheartened to be saying goodbye to Hermione, though Ron didn't seem remotely sad to see the international quidditch star go.

Fleur hurried up to them, throwing her arms around the pair of them. "Oh, I will miss you both!" she exclaimed, kissing their cheeks. "You will 'ave to come and visit in ze summer, I can show you around Paris."

"We'll make plans," Cedric promised. "As soon as we know what we're up to, one of us will owl you."

"Good. And," she turned a wicked smile in Harry's direction, "if you 'appen to bring zat 'andsome older bruzzer of yours, I would not mind." She winked, and Harry laughed.

"You mean you two haven't already made plans of your own to meet up sometime?" he teased, delighting in the girl's blush.

"Maaybe," she drawled. "'E ees back in Egypt, of course. I 'ave my graduation exams in a month, and zen I 'ave applied to apprentice at Gringotts. To eemprove my Eenglish," she explained, purposefully thickening her accent. Harry snorted.

"I bet Bill would be happy to help you there," he remarked salaciously. Fleur squealed, slapping him gently on the shoulder.

"William ees a gentleman!" she insisted, laughing. "Enough, you scoundrel."

"Are ve talking about the eldest Veasley boy?" Viktor asked, striding towards them. Fleur turned a fiery glare in his direction, and he merely laughed. "You vill invite us all to the vedding, yes?"

"I 'ate all of you," she declared mutinously. By the carriage, one of the Abraxan horses let out a loud whinny, and Fleur turned in their direction. "I must go with my classmates." Her voice was sad, and there was another round of cheek kisses, this time including Viktor. "Take care, boys. I 'ope to see you all again soon."

"Safe journey home, Fleur. Give our regards to Gabrielle and your parents," Harry added, earning a bright smile.

"I vill be in France for a time for training camp in August," Viktor told her. "I vill owl you, ve can make plans."

That made the Veela girl beam, and she finally dragged herself away to join the rest of the blue-clad students, filing into their carriage. "I must go as vell," Viktor sighed. "Owl me ven you know vat you are doing this summer, I vill arrange tickets to something."

"You don't have to; just coming to hang out would be enough," Cedric started, but Viktor cut him off with a smile.

"My friends back home are bored of quidditch by now, it vill be nice to have new friends to share it vith. Besides, anything for our hero here," he added with a playful look at Harry, who mock-scowled. "The Dark Lord's reach vas further than just Britain. Karkaroff made that clear. But our deputy headmaster is a good man, and hopefully vith darkness gone, ve can enjoy peace. Thank you, Harry. Even if you do insist it vas an accident, it vas still a stronger accident than most can manage." He shook Harry's hand firmly, then Cedric's, smiling in a way that made Harry realise what Hermione could see in the gruff young man.

"Then you're welcome, for what it's worth. And next time you're in England, send us an owl. You'll always have friends here." Viktor nodded.

"Travel safely," Cedric said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Watch out for the giant squid."

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